13: Message

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"I'm not in love with him anymore"

Words that kept replaying on his mind. Was that a valid reason on why she didn't message him? If so, then how?

Gosh, was he overreacting?

Not in love...

Something pricked his heart and he didn't know why. He never knew words could hurt him this much.

But the question was why? Why did he feel hurt?

A year ago, he labeled her a friend. A damn friend. A friend is someone you truly care about but right now, his perspective about her was beyond truly. His care for her was indescribable.

He couldn't express how much he missed her and how much he realized that her presence affected him much more.

With him anymore....

Hurt. That was what he was feeling. He felt hurt. He felt hurt and he didn't even know the damn reason!

How can someone feel hurt without any reason?!

I guess this dude can.

"Dammit! It's her first day of school and I'm already making it miserable!"

"Damn right" Plagg muttered boredly while eating. Oh you know what's his eating my fellow readers.

"Why did I even run away without saying anything?!"

"Do you really want me to Google that?"

Adrien nodded without even thinking of what Plagg questioned.

"Well, it says here people who run away from a person who are having their first day of school are labeled as psychopaths"

Adrien stared in horror and shuddered. Plagg merely shrugged and threw his master's phone at him.




A melodic voice called out his name. He wanted to melt right there as he stared at the scene upon him.

Marinette's flowing midnight hair blew as the wind attacked it. He almost forgot what he was mad of and why he was mad.

He was snapped back to reality when Marinette snapped her fingers in front of his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

No. He was not.

She looked purely confused at him. Even though it was her fault. It was her fault that he was hurt.

Wait.... Do I love her?


His cheeks went bright and warm. Since Marinette was close to his face and looking at him with so much worry.

"U-uh yeah-"

He stuttered. This damn model stuttered.

The famous model and the son of a widely famous designer stuttered. He modeled for who knows how many shoots and runaways.

But he never dared to stutter.

Until now. And that was because of a clumsy bluenette.


"No Adrien. I know you're not fine. What's wrong?"

If there's one thing Marinette was skilled of. It was her ability to worry if it was her fault and apologize sincerely.

He sighed and rubbed his neck.

"Soo..are you mad at me?"

"Of course not"

She smiled at him and he stopped breathing for a moment. He looked like a tomato by the way.

"Were you mad at me?"

"Adrien I am not and I was not mad at you. Why are you asking?"

He inhaled before answering.

"You never sent me a message"

She blinked.

"Message? What message?"

"Let me rephrase that. You never said goodbye"

She froze. She stopped breathing for a second and that made Adrien worry even if it was only a second.

Oh boy, this was gonna be a long day.

"Adrien I'm-"

"Marinette. I waited. I waited everyday. For atleast one message or one sign for you to remember me"

He looked at her with so much broken hope. He hoped and believed that she would send him a message atleast once.

But it never came.

She was unintentionally giving him false hope. Just like Ladybug, except Ladybug was honest and gave him the truth.

"I waited. I envy others who got a message from you. Was I really that horrible? Were you angry at me? D-did I do something wrong?"

His voice broke at the last part and it made her heart shatter. It made her realize that Adrien cared a lot about her more than she thought.

"No! No no- Adrien. Adrien I was never mad at you okay? I just-"

"Just what?"

He held her hands and it made him blush but for Marinette it looked like an act of comfort for their friendship.

"I just....I was burning down my feelings for you"

His eyes widened and Marinette explained even more.

"Listen, you had Kagami and I couldn't bare to destroy what you two had. I didn't message you because it hurt at that time. But it's very alright now. I'm over you"

That's the only thing that processed on Adrien's mind. Those three words that made his heart shatter into broken tiny prieces.

Sure, Ladybug had rejected him and it hurt but not as much as this. Why does he fall for those who don't love him? And those he doesn't love fall for him?

"You two were together and happy- what-Adrien! Where are you-"

His feet got the better of him.

He was so hurt that it even made his body move on its own. The hurt made him run.

Run away from her.

Run away from the girl you love.

Marinette tried chasing him but he managed to disappear into an alley and when she turned, she saw nothing. She saw no one. She didn't see Adrien.

She sighed and rubbed her face.

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