1. Prologue

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Play Griphop by Kevin Macleod

Dib's P.O.V.

I was about to report in with the swollen eyeball net when Dad called me and Gaz down stairs. "Dad what is it?! I was almost gonna beat my high score on my game slave"! Gaz asked in annoyance. "I have life changing news for you two. We're moving to Montana"! Dad announced enthusiastically and if I was drinking water, I would've done a spit take! "WHAT YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! If we leave Zim will conquer Earth with me not being here to stop him"! I said for this was giving me a panic attack! This couldn't really be happening! "And that's EXACTLY why were moving! Maybe a freash start in a new place will rid you of your insaneness"! Dad said in his dead cold serious voice. That's when I knew there was no talking him out of it! "Fine Dad, but if Zim conquers Earth it'll be on your hands"! I said begrudgingly. "Good we'll be leaving this weekend so you better get started on packing". Dad said as we returned to our rooms.

Finally I was able to call Agent Dark Booty. "Ah Agent Mothman what do you have to report"? Agent Dark Booty asked seriously. "Nothing on Zim. However my family and I are MOVING to Montana this weekend! So I need help, what am I going to do about Zim if I'm that far away from him"? I replied in frustration. "Humm have you been checking the new cameras that you put in his house recently? They might give a clue". Agent Dark Booty asked curiously. Man why didn't I think of that! "No I haven't thanks Agent Dark Booty! Agent Mothman out"! I said as I ended the video call. Then I pulled up the program on my computer that was connected to the cameras.

Zim's P.O.V.

Play Voyeur by Jingle Punks

I was pacing waiting Gir to show up but he was taking too long! "AH Where is that stupid robot! I can't spy on the Dib stink with out that new device I asked him to carry here! Computer"! I said as I stopped pacing. "What now Zim"? The Computer asked tiredly as usual. "Do you know what's taking Gir so long"? I asked as I tapped my foot. "Yes he appears to be singing the doom song again"! The computer replied nonchalantly. "Oh that's it! Gir STOP SINGING AND GET UP HERE WITH THE DIVCE"! I screamed into my communicator. "Yes sir"! I heard Gir say and with in seconds he finally arrived! "Good work Gir now to test it out"! I said as I activated it. "It works! Now hush Gir it's time to find out what Dib is up to". I said as Gir saluted me with his red eyes.

Dib's P.O.V.

When I saw that on the camera feeds I freaked out! "Zim is spying on us! Oh no now he's going to find out the move"! I said as I ran out the room to warn Gaz since she knows the truth! "Gaz I don't mean to barge in like this but this is important! Zim is spying on us with a new device he made so please don't say where we're moving to until we're out of state"? I said as calmly as I could. "Fine whatever just KNOCK NEXT TIME"! Gaz said as she kicked me out of her room. However that warning was in vain. "By the way kids the town we're moving to is called Green Hills"! Dad announced very loudly! Now I knew I needed to get out of the house to clear my head for this was all to much!

Zim's P.O.V.

Play Promise Reprise (Piano Version) - Silent Hill 2 by Myuu

I couldn't believe it! Dib was moving out of state! "But why do I feel conflicted? Humm maybe researching this Green Hills will help. Computer show me the latest news report about Green Hills Montana"! I said curiously. "Well the latest one is from last year". The computer said cautiously. "Excellent roll the footage". I said and the news report appeared on the screen. Apparently, there was a massive black out that seemed to be caused by something more powerful than electric magnetic pulse! Dr. Ivo Robotnik was sent to investigate it but mysteriously disappeared. "Hmm this seems like a place to check out! To bad Dib will be there too! Oh well Gir get packed we're going to Green Hills Montana"! I said as I went to pack myself.

Dib's P.O.V.

When I returned to my room I got a call from Agent Dark Booty! "Hello Agent Mothman, I was just curious about where you moving to exactly"? Agent Dark Booty asked curiously. "We're moving to Green Hills Montana". I replied casually as I started the long process of packing. "Oh how exciting"! Agent Dark Booty said happily which confused the heck out of me. "What's so exciting about that place I don't get it"? I asked skeptically. "Well there was a mysterious blackout a man was sent to investigate it but he mysteriously disappeared! So whatever it was did something to the man who was named Dr. Ivo Robotnik". Agent Dark Booty explained seriously. "Wait my Dad knew him he and Ivo went to collage together! Looks like I have real purpose in willingly going there! Thanks Agent Dark Booty I will figure out this mystery. Agent Mothman out"! I said and finished packing except for my closthes and bed spread.

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