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Kirishima didn't need much help making dinner. He asked a couple of clarifying questions, but that was it. I spent the time shopping for stuff to put in my house. It took a while to really decide on anything I wanted to get. Being the number two hero brought in a lot of money. I've been saving it for years now. 

Once he was finished, he brought two bowels over and set one next to me. He then grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to me. He leaned over to see what I was doing. The whole time we ate Kirishima and I picked out stuff to put in the house.

I honestly was glad that he pitched in. I have no idea what I was doing. I just knew a couple of necessities I need to get, but that was it. By the end of it, I could almost fill in the whole place. It was a shit ton of money.

After we finished eating, we got into a small argument about who was going to do the dishes. I won, of course. As I was washing the last bowel, I looked over my shoulder to see Kirishima lost in the clouds. I recognized that face back in high school. 

"Oi, what are you thinking about?" I called, placing the bowel in the dishwasher.

He shook his head to snap out of his thoughts. "Uh, nothing."

I rolled my eyes as I dried off my hands. "Spit it out."

Kirishima stayed quiet for a moment before sighing. "I'm just thinking about what I'm supposed to do."

I walked over to him. I crossed my arms and sat down on the table next to him. "What did I tell you?"

"I know, I know, It's just ..." He leaned his head against his hand. He looked away.

I didn't want to see him sad, but I also know that we can't avoid it. "One question."

He turned his head to look at me confused. "What?"

"If it's bugging you this much, I'll let you ask one question about what to do next," I explained. "It should make you feel a little better to get some of it off your chest. But no more than one question."

I saw a small smile appear on his face. Then, he looked to the side to think. "Oh, I got one." He turned back towards me. "Why did you buy this place?"

"Why the hell do you want to know that?" I asked.

"Well, I'm going to have to buy a house of my own at some point, right?" He said standing up. "So, why did you choose this house?"

I looked down at the floor to think for a minute but quickly remembered. I grabbed his hand and started walking upstairs. He followed behind. I opened my bedroom door and walked straight to the balcony. The sun was just setting. 

I opened the door with my free hand and pulled Kirishima outside. I walked to the balcony. I looked behind to see his expression. 

"Wow," He said looking out at the view. He wore a huge smile on his face. "It's beautiful!"

I smirked. I let go of his hand and crossed my arms. I leaned up against the railing and looked out at the view. 

"Dude," He could find the words to say. "This couldn't have been the only reason, right?"

I nodded my head.

"Seriously?" He asked looking down at me. "Just the view."

"Nothing else," I explained. "If this view was in an apartment, I'd be living there instead."

"Weren't you ever worry about getting work in time?" He asked. "Or being far away from your family or friends? Did you want the mansion or did you want an apartment? Did you get it right away?"

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