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Damn, I fucking suck at video games. Kirishima is kicking my ass at it. I kept asking him when he got so good. He would just shrug and tell me I suck. After a good hour or two of video games, we decided to take a break. 

I leaned back on the couch while Kirishima walked to the kitchen. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

Kirishima came back and sat down next to me with a glass of water in his hand. "Bakugou?"

I hummed in response.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked looking down at his glass. "You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable."

I lifted my head and looked over at him. "What is it?"

"What ..." He sighed. He was trying to find the words.

"Shitty hair," I placed my hand down on his leg. "You were the one that said I should tell you everything from now on, right? Ask me. If I'm uncomfortable I'll tell you."

He nodded. He took a second before asking his question. "What was your nightmare about?"

My eyes went wide for a second. I looked away and sighed.

"You don't have to answer, Bakugou. I was just-"

"It happens every year."


I looked over at his confused expression. I took a deep breath before continuing. "Every year around this time, I have this nightmare." I struggled to find the words to explain it. "In a general aspect, it's about the accident. Expect I'm watching it in slow motion, making it ten times worse. I just stood there watching what happened. Hearing everything." 

Kirishima scooted closer to me. He gripped my hand.

"But, it's not as bad anymore." I lied with an awkward smile. "I mean, you're here now."

"Bakugou, I know when you lie." He said, staring into my eyes. "But you're obviously uncomfortable so I'm not going to push the topic. I just wanted to know so I can help you in some way." He set his glass down on the floor. 

"You do help," I argued. "You do help in ways that I'll never be able to say. I'm not good at words, but trust me when I say you being here helps."

He gave me a small smile. Then, he rested his head on my shoulder. I rested my head against his. Trust me Kirishima, you help. Don't ever think you're useless. You'll never truly understand how much it means to me that you here with me. 

After a while of sitting in silence, Kirishima thought of the idea to go somewhere for lunch. He told me he wanted to go somewhere new. It took me a second, but quickly remembered a certain someone's resteraunt. 

We left towards the edge of town. Soon, I pulled next to a restaurant with a balcony on the top of the roof with music playing. Kirishima smiled as he looked up at the balcony. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the entrance.

It wasn't packed that during the day, but I knew the restaurant was known for its live bands that play on the roof later at night. I nodded towards the waitress and she gave me the thumbs up. I grabbed Kirishima's hand and let him up the stairs to the balcony. 

There was a bar to the far right. There were tables gathered closer to the bar and then there was an open space in front of the stage. On the stage were a couple of instruments. There were only a couple of people sitting up there. I let Kirishima pick where to sit. 

"Wow, this place is cool," Kirishima said looking around.

I chuckled. "Just wait. There's a surprise that comes with it." 

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