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Zaid's pov:

"Why did you broke the call before I could speak, She asked again and I was still numb".
I tried to call you after that but the call couldn't connect all the time.

"Oh no!"
I searched for the phone and it was on the other side of the bed side table. I am sure some maid has kept it here while cleaning the room this morning. I throwed away the phone last night and I didn't check the phone yet.

I took the mobile from there and checked it. There were many missed calls from Hafsa.

"I am so sorry Hafsa. I couldn't answer your call. I wasn't feeling well so I didn't check my phone, I said shortly not knowing what to tell her. I can't tell her the real reason behind".

"No I am sorry Zaid. I didn't know you aren't well, she said kinda upset".
"Hafsa I am fine relax its just a fever, I assured and she smiled a bit".

"How is the work going Hafsa?"
"Did you met the engineer?"
"We are suppose to go today Zaid".

"Was this the only reason you were trying to call me, I asked waiting for her to reply?"
"No I wanted to see you, she said and her cheeks blushed"
A smile formed on my lips as I saw her blushing because of me.

"Ok have this now, she said and took that soup bowl in her hand".
Hafsa no way. I can't have this. Its yuck.

"Zaid what are you even saying?"
Just look at you, you are the "CEO" and "CHAIRMAN" of "MALIK GROUP OF RESTAURANTS" but look at your tantrums just like kids.

"Come on have it now or else!".
"Or else, he mimicked me?"

"Zaid have it. This time she was more serious".
I took the bowl from her hands and was about to have it that's when the smell of that soup hit my nose.

Hafsa I can't drink this soup. Please take this away.
"Zaid it is good for health. When you have fever its good to have this kind of food. Please have it, she said insisting me again and again".

"You won't listen like this, she said and grabbed the bowl from my hand".
I was startled with her sudden move. I was confused that what she is going to do next.

She took a spoon full of soup and extended her hand towards me and held it in front of my mouth.

"Have it, she said and I couldn't believe me eyes".
"Have it, she said again and I couldn't stop myself. She is making me melt like ice now".

"Zaid what are you thinking have it, she said again but all I was seeing her most beautiful face, her beautiful light brown orbs which were sparkling like stars. Her plum like lips, her hijab".
"She is damn beautiful!"
I gave up at last and drank that soup.

"Good, she said and took an another spoon full of soup".
She was repeating the same till the soup was completely finished. She poured me a glass of water from the water jug. I drank that water and kept the glass on the table.

"See you drank the whole soup, she said and showed me the empty bowl".
"I dranked really, I saw the empty bowl shocked".

I couldn't believe I drank something which I have never tasted so far.
Really she is unbelievable. She made me drink that. I smiled myself thinking how she made me drink that.

"Zaid, she called".
"What now?"
"Tablet, she laughed holding the pill in her hand".
"No way!"
I shouted and she kept the pill in between my lips. I could feel her fingers touching my lips.
Oh no my hormones is going wild. She is messing with my hormones. I took that pill in my mouth and gulped by drinking some water.

"You are really a kid Zaid, she said laughing".

"You always do this much of drama while taking medicines, she asked getting the water glass from my hand?"

"Yeah always but my dad used to accept all my tantrums and drama. My dad was so nice to me. He always give whatever I want. He used to even shout mom if she scolds me or raise her voice at me. He always pampers me like a toddler even after I was grown up. I don't know what happened all of a sudden he left us. He left me, I said and I could feel tears shedding from my eyes".

"I really miss him Hafsa!"

I have never seen Zaid crying. Its hurting me I don't know why.
"Zaid its ok calm down, I said and he wiped his tears. I can see how much he loved his father".

"Won't you show me your dad's picture Zaid?"
"Of course, why not just a minute Hafsa?"

He got up from the bed and went directly to his cupboard. He opened and took a photo album from there and came back to the bed again.

He showed me the pictures one by one from that photo album.
"Hafsa this is my dad Zaroon Malik, he said and showed me a picture of a man".

I saw Zaid's dad picture very keenly.
You are a reflection of your dad Zaid, I said seeing the photo again.
Haha yes I look same like my dad, he laughed too seeing his dad's picture.

Then we both were seeing some of Zaid's childhood pictures and family photographs. He looked so cute when he was a small boy and when he was in his school days meanwhile my sister came inside holding a tray in her hand along with my mom.

"Hafsa here have some coffee, my sister said placing the tray near her".
"No didi it's ok, Hafsa said and stood up from the chair".

"I am leaving, she said and I couldn't accept it".
"Hafsa stay here, I said and she saw me unblinked".

"Yes Hafsa stay for some more time, my sister said giving her the coffee mug".
Hafsa sat again on the chair sipping her coffee.

"Zaid I came to know you didn't had your soup and medicines, my mom said sitting next to me".

"I had mom look, I said and showed her the empty bowl".
"You had, my mom asked laughing seeing at the bowl in shock?"

"I don't know from where the sin rise today. I wish and hope the sun rise from the same direction tomorrow nowards, my mom teased me which made Hafsa and my sister burst out in laughter".

We all had some quality time together sitting having some chit chat. I always love the bond between Hafsa and my family. I really love the way Hafsa and my family mingle with each other.

I saw these three ladies having fun, talking with each other. It was quite a good sight to watch.

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