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Zaid's pov :

"Who is this?"
"Who answered my call?"
I was confused that should I continue speaking or should I decline the call that's when I heard a voice from behind.

"Whose call is it Samir, came a voice and I was startled with whatever I heard".
Its Hafsa's voice!

"He is still there?"

"Its he who answered my call?"
"Why the hell did he touched Hafsa's phone?"

I throwed the phone frustrated and it hit the nearby wall. I am really fed up today. This was one of the worst days of my life.

I left my room as I was suffocating thinking about everything. I need some fresh air now. I came downstairs and saw there was no one to be found. They must be in their rooms resting. I don't want to disturb anyone now. I left home and thought of walking out to get some fresh air.

Hafsa's pov:

"Samir whose call is it, I asked again".

"Zaid's call, he said giving me my mobile in my hand".

"Zaid's call?"
"Zaid called me!"

"What did he say?"
"Did he asked for me?"

"Cool cool how many questions you will ask at the same time, he said laughing out loud".

"By the way he spoked nothing Hafsa, Samir said sitting on the couch again".
"Spoked nothing, I said rubbing my forehead".

I dialled Zaid's number again waited for him to answer the call.

Switched off!
His mobile is switched off!
"But why?"
"What's wrong?"

Hafsa he called and snapped his fingers in front of my face.
"Hafsa I think Zaid loves you, Samir said pulling me on the couch making me sit next to him".
I sat with him and was numb after hearing whatever Samir said.

"Hafsa, he called shaking my shoulders with his both hands".

"Zaid loves you Hafsa, he said again and a smile formed on my lips".
I don't know why but this time I don't want to decline the fact that he loves me.

I was lost in his thoughts when Samir snapped in front of my face again.

"How could you say that, I asked crossing my hands across my chest".

"Did you notice Zaid's face today. He was so possessive on you. He was very angry to see a guy with you. Come on you are so dumb he let out a deep chuckle. Only boys can understand all this, he said and got up as mom came called all of us for dinner".

We all had our dinner together. Here and there Samir was teasing me. After dinner Samir left our home and we all came back to take some rest so we went to our respective rooms to sleep.

I headed upstairs to my room. I closed my room door and dialled Zaid's number. It was still switched off.
Uff, I huffed in irritation and layed on my bed keeping my mobile aside on the side table.

Time was passing and I couldn't sleep today. I am worried about Zaid. I am feeling so restless today. I don't have a good feeling.

I took my mobile and dialled Zaid's number. It was still switched off. It's 1 a.m now and I was awake and couldn't sleep. I gave up and slept thinking that I will talk to Zaid tomorrow in office. I slept hoping Zaid is fine.


I am tired of walking now and my legs are hurting like something because of continuously walking from a long time. I saw my wrist watch and the time is 12.30 am. I am feeling little better now so I started leaving to my home.

THE GIRL IN BLACK VEIL.Where stories live. Discover now