Ditching ?

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I walk in the overcrowded dingy hallways,and make my way for Layla's locker,but she's not there,I look around the hallway a bit,earning glares from other people,until my phone goes off. I take it out of my pocket,glancing at the message from a new number.

' Come Here ', it says,and I know it's from Layla,but how did she already get a new phone,and where the hell is she.

' Layla ? ' I send back,making sure it's her.

' Yeah baby ? ' She sends back,yep,it's defiantly her.

' Where are you ? ' I ask,still glancing around.

' Where do you think I am silly ? ' She sends back,that doesn't give me any clues.

' Layla,you better tell me,I can't see you ' I reply,it takes a couple minutes before she answers,and I sneak in the janitors closet,not wanting to get caught by roaming teachers.

' Who said you would be able to see me,maybe I'm not even In the school,btw,I love your car,it drives so nice ;) ' She answers,that's where she was,she must have been in the parking lot...in my car !!! That made me just a little mad,I didn't lifelike people in my car. I sneak out,and go out the back entrance of the school,running around to the side,and seeing my car running right in the front parking lot. Layla sits there,raising her eyebrows at me,and gives it a loud roar of the engine,that was.my thing,and my thing only. I give her a smile,and go around to the drivers door,opening it,and making her scoot over so I can drive,which she does voluntarily,as she lights up a cigarette. Then it hits me,how I she get my keys ?

" How did you get my keys ? " I ask curiously,she shrugs her shoulders,and buckles her seatbelt,letting me know She wants to take a ride. She just stares at me,waiting for me to go,until I finally give in,and do so,but I don't know where to go,I don't want to go home,and I know we can't go to her house,so I go where I knew she would think I was crazy.

****Layla's POV****

I don't know where he's taking me,but it takes a little while to get there,and he has a smug smile on his face the whole way there,and as for getting his keys,a magician never shares her secrets. He pulls up to a old looking house and gets out,grabbing my hand,but he doesn't go to the porch,he goes around the back to a big tree house.

" A tree house ? " I ask with a surprised chuckle,he just looks at me,and gives me a nod of his head.

" Yeah,this was mine when I was like ten " He laughs,looking around at the old wood,and broken shutters.

" Is it safe ? " I ask,a little worried,he just shot me a look.

" Do you really think I would take you somewhere if it wasn't safe ? " He asks sarcastically,and drags me over to it. He puts his dirty sneaker on the ladder,the old creaky falling apart ladder,and then looks back to me.

" Its safe " He smiles,but I don't want to go up,it sure doesn't sound or look safe. He must notice that I don't intend to go up,and picks me up,throwing me over his shoulder,as he climbs the little ladder,and sits me down on the floor of the actual tree house,then climbs up himself.

" See,I told you,perfectly safe " He says with a wink,and starts jumping up and down making it shake.

" Stop Mike !! " I whine,getting a littlefrightened.

" Stop what ? " He asks with a smirk,then stops. I shoot him a dirty look,and he laughs. " Oh,you mean this ? " He asks,starting to jump again.

" Stop it !! " I whine,tackling him to the ground,he lets out a laugh,and rolls over top of me,laying his head on my chest.

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