Little miss valentines

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"morning" Cedric said while walking next to me in the hall on our way to breakfast. "morning, whatcha doin?" I replied. "nothing, just about to celebrate Valentine's Day with my best friend" he says while swinging his arm around me. "oh ok" I say with a smirk. We walk in and I can see fred rolling his eyes. We walked past him and to the hufflepuff table. God I hated seeing him mad but what could I do, he is just my friend. Right?

Later at lunch My owl, Phoenix, was dropping off several letters with roses. They were valentines. I opened the first one

Happy valentines y/Nn, I love you lots. I know that I already told you this but whatever. Can't wait for our date tonight.
Love, Cedric

Then I read the next one

Dear y/n
I hope you have a great valentines
Love mom

Of course my mother would send the most vague letter ever. I read a couple more letters. Just guys trying to be cute but turn out to be creeps. The last one shocked me.

Dear y/n,
I have to talk to you, meet me at the astronomy tower.

Now that sounds interesting. I change into a cute outfit ( top pic) and head there.

I get there and it's dark. I say "hello" in a low voice. I see an out line of someone in front of me. "hey" they relied. Right after saying that they said lumos causing the room to light up. It was Cedric, but there was something off. His ring was missing and replaced with another, this is when I understood what was happening. I walked up and rapped my arms around Cedric's neck. "hey babe" I say while Cedric puts his hands on my lower waist. He goes in for a kiss, that's when I grab his ear and pull hard. "you really don't think I know my best friend! Come out george I know you are there!" I yell out. George,embarrassed, walks into the light, i grab his ear when he is close enough and pull them closer to the moon light. "ow" they say together as I let go. "What are you two doing. What if I had done something" I snapped at them. "I'm ok with that" Fred said with a smirk on Cedric's face. I quickly slapped his arm.

"I'm starting to get tired of your crap Fred, first you pull pranks on me, then you try to kiss me, now this! What's next, you're going to steal from me! Oh wait, you already did!" I yell at Fred. "wait you tried to kiss her?" George seemed to actually not know about this. We both starred at him. I stayed quiet, "yeah" came out Fred's mouth. I haven't talked to the twins since.

The real Cedric and I went on a date to our secret spot and we loved it. Even though Cedric and I kissed once, we never did anything past that. We are close, not friends with benefits.

I don't think Fred was very happy about this because he kept starring at us. I was still mad so I pretended not to see.

Authors note: Sorry I didn't post, I was with the fam. I want to say that she is not 12, she is 14 and he is 15. Also they didn't make out it was just a peck

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