i love you

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"kait" someone said in a whisper. " kait" again! cant they see im sleeping. "what!" im kinda pissed. "shh, its just me" i opended my eyes. it was fred! "come, i have a surprise for you" um, ok? didnt take him for the type. fred covered my eyes with his hands. wow, he is really trying. we stopped after walking for a while and put his hands down. what! he made a cute picnic with a home movie theather set. "i didnt really understand what that thing is but i heard its fun", he said while pointing at the set up. i turned around and gave him a big huge and kiss, "well i love it". we sat down and started the movie. it was home alone (A/N: i love that movie) "mhh" i moaned while kissing fred. i love this. i love him. but he cant know that. fred was on top of me, "uhh, i love you" what, what, WHAT! he just said that he loves me and i dont want to say it back because i dont want to be too sentimentle but, i do love him and i want him to know that. i stayed quite, i didnt know how to say it back. fred sliped off my pants, to me he seemed a little upset, and its all my fault. i pulled down his pants down and got ontop of him while making out. i slowly lined my self with him. "ahhuh" i gasped while cocking my head back as he bucked his hips up. he countinued to slam his hips into mine "fu-u-ck" i moaned. i finished but i knew he hadnt so i countinued till he was done. i took off his button up shirt and put it on. we layed down, watching the stars. my head on his chest. "i love you too you know?" i told him. "really?" he actually seemed confused. "of course, i love you. i might not say it much but you make me happy. not many people do that" i tried not to make this a chickflick scene but it totally is. he kissed me "well if you say it like that then it is totally worth it". we stayed there for a while til " *drip *drip". "what was that?" i questioned. it started pouring "oh my...". it was freazing, "crap". we started to make a run for the house when fred just stops. "what? is something wrong?" he grabbed my hips and pulled me in. "everything is amazing" he picked me up and kissed me, notebook style. he makes me crazy and knows it. he puts me down, "i wish we could stay here forever". "me too but... i think you need to win it" i ran around trying to get away from him. "oh, its on" he ran after me. chasing me down, but he slipped. i ran back to him, "are you ok?" i was so worried. " yeah just um" i put my hand out and he grabed it. he pulled me down to the mud. "uhhh, you prick!" i pushed him. after a bit we where rolling in the mud like pigs. then we where hit with a bright white light.

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