save a life

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" Good mor..." I awoke with sharp pain but didn't want to alert Fred. When I looked behind me to where Fred was last night he was gone, " hmm, that's weird". I got up and looked in the bathroom, not there. I took a shower and changed into jeans, a top, and a jean jacket. I walked out into the hallway and saw a couple of people. I walked down to the common room and saw a redhead sitting on the couch. I covered his eyes and kissed him on the cheek. He didn't respond. " hey"- Fred. " Finally Fred," I said about to hug him when he turned around. I felt a woosh go through me, Angelina coming through me. " what the hell!!!" Angelina shivered and walked up to Freddie, kissing him than giving him a hug. " oh hell no!!" I screeched and tried to grab her shoulder but my hands went straight through it. " Uhh, it's really cold in here, let's go get breakfast" my first reaction to her was to go for the throat.

***in the real world ( from Fred's pov)***

y/n's hand started to swing around as if reaching for something. she put her hand on my chest, " yeah y/n, it's me. you're going to be ok babe" we continued to run to the infirmary. she took my neck in her hands and started to choke me. " you son of a bitch" she slurred but she wasn't awake, or even alive for that matter. I pulled her hands off of my neck and continued to run.

***back to you***

" you son of a bitch" i slurred through words and ran away. i ran and ran till i hit it, his dorm. i entered his dorm and saw george sitting there, reading a book. " who in the bloody hell are you?" he questioned and i looked around looking for who he was talking to, there was no one else in the room but us. "are you talking to me?" i questioned pointing at myself. " who else love" he asked. " you can see me?!". " well yeah, why wouldn't i?". " That's what I'm trying to figure out," I whispered under my breath. " well anyways it's me, y/n. don't you remember me?" i asked trying to get something from him.

" of course y/n"

"omg thank you" i hugged him. " why is fred ignoring me?"

"don't you know where you are"

" um no??"

" we are in your head, love you are in a coma"

"yeah right, stop playing george this is serious"

" do you want me to prove it?"

'fine yeah i do' as the words fell from my mouth george kissed me, " see, the real george would never, not even in his wildest dreams'. I looked at this fake George and just stared. no way this is real. "Ok fine, let's just say that I am in a coma, why i'm i here of all places?"

' this is your worst nightmare, hogwarts life without you, the world without. but most importantly, fred without you" my heart sank

'what?" I was heartbroken. people say that they can't live without you but you never realize that the world doesn't stop spinning just because you aren't in it. " why are you here, what do you want from me?" I asked George. " i'm here to break you out. " wait what?" as i said this i felt a wet spot on my shirt. " we need to go, now!" he yelled as he pulled my hand and opened the door, running through it. " the park? what are we doing here?" I was confused. " we are looking for the exit" i looked around. it was the muggle park we used to go to as a family when i was younger.

" ok so what are we looking for?"

" we are looking for something that you don't want to remember, something that you don't want you to know"

" well how the hell am i supposed to know what i don't want me to know?"

" Let's go through here," he said, pointing at a shed door. We walked through and entered my dorm. crap.

" y/n what are we going to do??? you should have told me! why didn't you tell me you didn't want kids!'' Fred screamed. " because i didn't think it was relevant at the time fred ok!" another version of me walked around the room. " well what are we going to do y/n! you know i want kids!" . " yeah well i don't!" the other version of me slammed the door as i walked out of it. tears started to fall down my face. " i think this is it, the exit '' George and I walked through it. when we walked through we came out in the courtyard, " oh come on!!!'' I yelled. " hey y/n calm down we will find it, you just have to think about your darkest moment in life".

" I don't know george!"

" let's sit for a minute" we sat down on a bench and just took in a deep breath. " you know i always thought that you would want hella kids. i thought at some point fred was going be the one holding back, not you"

"well you were wrong. let's just get out of here" we walked through the door that goes into the main building and landed in a hospital.

"why are we in a muggle hospital" george asked.

"probably another way to sike myself out. let's go" i went to open the door but george stopped me.

"what is here that you don't want to see?'

"nothing George, let's go" when I said this, George let me go and ran off in some direction. "damn it George '' I whispered under my breath. I chased him till we made it to a room that I recognized. "this is what you didn't want me to see, '' George said, pointing at a different version of me and a young little girl. He is right, I was afraid of this. That little girl was my little sister, Alex.

"hey don't cry y/n. i'm just ready to go" alex said.

"no you aren't A, you are too young" y/n B pulled out her wand.

"i said no magic y/n, i want to be normal remember?" she said putting my hand down.

"a 12-year-old girl dying is NOT normal" y/n B said through tears. Alex had meningitis, meaning that the Cushing around her brain was constricting it because of a tumor and the doctor couldn't do anything about it. "I'm so sorry Alex''

"I love you y/n" she said and closed her eyes. she started to go into cardiac arrest and the doctor ran in "code blue!!! hurry up!!!" one of the doctors said as he started to do chest compressions on her. a female doctor grabbed the defibrillator and yelled "clear!" Everyone moved their hands. they continued to try and revive her but they couldn't, she was gone. tears fell down my face and I have just broken all over again. George put his arm towards me and said "this is it y/n, this is the exit" we both slowly walked up to the door. "I'll see you on the other side, George," I said and gave him a hug. "it better not be hell or i'll kick your ass". I pulled away, wiped my tears and walked through the door.

*** back in the real world***

"she has no pulse" yelled one of the doctors. "Do something" Fred yelled while George and Ron held him back, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione all in a group hug. the doctor tried and tried again but they couldn't bring me back. "Call it," said the male doctor. one of the interns looked at his watch "time of death 9:0..." he was interrupted by me shooting up from the bed and saying "who does a girl have to kill around here to get some fries" smiling.

a/n: hey bitchs!!! i know this one is sad but i'm just paying a little homage to my favorite show of all time supernatural. i love this show and was really sad when i rewatched it and bobby got in a coma!!! I highly recommend it. I'm also sorry I'm taking so long to post. i love you all lots- mooncat

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