The four horsemen

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"oh how I will miss you y/n" my mother claims while giving me a hug. I mustered up my energy and plastered a smile on my face "I will miss you too mum" I say while hugging her back. I pull away saying "i must go, please tell father for me that I said goodbye". "of course I will my little butterscotch". I walk over to the wall between platform 9 and 10 and run straight through it, there I saw kids my age and older running around and eating candy. It was amazing, how magical it was, it was so unexplainable and unexpected. No one could explain how I feel today. Parents crying either with Happy or sad tiers. I walked over to the never ending stack of cases and put my case down. I saw a kid Stand by the enteres of the platform. I quickly ran over and moved him out of the way. He fell. "I'm so sorry, I just didn't want you to..." I said as I was pushed out of the way of a trolley. "ouch" I say as two very tall boys reach to help me up. I rub my eyes thinking I'm seeing double. "hey is it just me or are there two guys in front of me?" I say as I let one of the boys help me up. "nah, they are twins. By the way, thanks for saving me" said the boy I pushed out the way. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter"."I'm Fred, that's George, and that ..." a boy runs through the wall as Fred puts his foot out to trip him. " ... is Ron". Ouch, that's got to hurt. "hey" said Ron looking up at me as I helped him up. Fred continued "and you are...?" "y/n, y/n hill". *The bells of the train goes off* "we should probably get on the train" I say while slowly walking away towards the train. Fred, George, Harry, Ron and I go into the train. Fred and George go into a car with there friends, Ron called out to me and said "hey Y/n, sit with us" and I replied with a simple "ok".

While Harry, Ron and I where eating candy and discussing spells a girl walked in. "are you talking about spells?" She asked. "yeah" I said with a real smile on my face, it's been a while since I have had a truly, real smile. "hi, I'm Hermione" the girl said while sitting down. "I know a thing or two about spells" she said. We talked for the rest of the ride.

Time jump: arriving at hogwarts

After, what felt like, a long time of talking we were almost there. It was everything, there are no words anyone, or thing can come up with to explain this marvelous castle. I almost yelled in excitement "guys, look!!!" I said while pointing at the castle. "it's beautiful!" I say while letting a gasp escape my mouth. "yeah" said Harry. "beautiful doesn't do it any justice" said Hermione. She was right.

While exiting the train Fred and George followed. A very tall man was waiting outside for us. "guys this is hagrid, he helped me get here" said Harry. "oh ok". "come on everyone, we should get to the feast" everyone followed Hagrid into the castle.

Authors note: the story will follow, sort of, the time line of the books and movie. Please keep in mind that this comes out of MY fantasy, so it might not be your cup of tea. If you see an error or want stories on other parts of Harry Potter, don't be shy to give your suggestions in the comments

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