First day

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Y/n POV:
I woke up the next day to Hermione giggling. "come on y/n, it's our first day" she said in a sing songy way. "oh right" I get out of bed and go take a shower. I'm so excited!!!! I get out of the shower and get dressed. I see Hermione dancing so I dance along. We start to sing "it's the best day ever" from spongebob.

After our little musical number, we grabbed our bags. We both have messenger bags. We head out and walk down to breakfast, there we meet Harry, Ron and the twins. Hermione and I sit next to each other, across from the boys. We chatted for a bit till professor Magonagall started to speak. "today is your first day of classes, you must attend all classes unless you have a good reason why you didn't attend. I will be giving you your times tables, please come up when you are called". She started to call names, eventually she called Hermione and I. Since we where in the same house and grade, we had the similar schedules.

Time jump: lunch

"hey y/n, come sit here" harry said. Harry and Ron were sitting on the right side of the table, there wasn't any space on that side so I go to sit on the left side but... no. Fred is sitting there, the only seat available is next to Fred. Damn it! Ok, you are going to be ok y/n just push through it. I sit down next to Fred, "hey y/n" he said with a grin on his face. "h-hi" I replied, "are you ok?". "yeah sure". "oh ok" He said as I pull up a smile. he is so cute! He saw I was staring at him so he said "enjoying the view" while raising an eyebrow. I quickly turn away and try to change the topic. "so, Harry how have your classes been?". "they've been good, I guess". I see Harry and Ron laugh while writing something, what are they, school girls. You feel a tap on your knee while Fred and George where talking. I looked under the table and saw Harry's hand reach out with a note in it. I take the note and read it, the note read "we see someone has a crush, don't worry, we won't tell him". Oh no they did NOT. I need to leave before this gets anymore embarrassing. "hey y/n" Hermione said while waving. I walked over to her and pulled the hand she was waving with while walking away, taking her with me. I took Hermione to the library then she pulled her hand away. "are you ok?". "no, no I'm not". I told Hermione everything. "I can't even with you, since when?" "Since the first day we met". Hermione said "I guess he is kinda cute". "See thank you!". We left the library and started to head to our last class when we  see the twins, Hermione winks at me as i blush and look at Fred. He was waving at me. I waved back and smiled. He smiled back, I could feel my face go red as I quickly turned my face back to Hermione. She nudged me with her elbow. "ow" "pay attention, and forget you saw him". "ok, ok fine". We went to our last class then dinner, nothing really happened after that. Hermione and I went to our dorm room, then to bed.

Authors note: please interact with this, it helps the story show up when the tag is searched. I'm not doing this seriously, I'm just having fun but im passionate about this and i want more people to take a trip in my imagination. Have fun ( btw I'm writing the next chapter right now)

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