The perfect date

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I woke up the next day feeling amazing. No one could stop me. Not even Fred. It came the first challenge, dragons. They were mother dragons and you had to steal the golden egg from her, this is going to be fun.

I helped Cedric prepare. I knew Harry was going to use a broom. I told Cedric about it and he thought he would do the same thing. "no. Using the broom is too dangerous. It's risky. I think I have an idea". I told him all about my plan and he agreed.

The day before the challenge Fred walked up to me, and I thought I was gonna have a good week. "hey kitty can we talk" I loved it when he called me kitty, it was nice, but not now. "fine, but not for too long. I have to help Cedric". We went into an empty classroom, I can't believe I'm doing this. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just thought you wouldn't care because you normally don't. That's why I was so mad, because I thought you didn't care about what we have. It's the only reason why I asked Angelina" he apologized. "why would you think that, I wasn't going with Shane to the ball till the day before" I was a bit confused on that. "well people were saying you where going with someone from drumstrang so I assumed it was him" now I feel bad, we are both to blame here. "I'm so sorry kitty" he said while lifting up my jaw with his hand, I wanted him badly.

He gave me a passionate kiss while putting his arms around me. I love him. I love him so much. I bit his lip. "mhm" Fred was delicious. He touched every curve of my body, not missing a spot. We walked over to the door, not breaking the kiss, and lock it. He put me up on a desk and kissed my neck. He then did something I was not expecting. He slid his hand up my inner thigh and started to rub circles on my panties. "f-fuck" I cried out. I couldn't take this. I pushed his hand down a bit. He got the hint that I wasn't ready, we never talked about it.

"hey y/n!!" Fred called out to me. "oh hey" i replied shyly. I felt weak next to him. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date" I almost chocked on my spit. WHAT!? "um yeah. Yes" smooth y/n, smooth. "ok, I'll see you later" he bent down next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. What the hell happened to fred?

It was the day of the challenge. I was with hermione, Ron, George, and most importantly, Fred. We where sitting waiting for Harry to come out.

After the insane stunt Harry pulled came Cedric, and our plan went fully into action. My dad often worked a lot with dragons and we actually kept some on the land. So I knew a thing or two about them. Cedric came out with a backpack and a mask in hand. People where confused towards how that would protect him from her. It won't, and that was the point of my plan.

He put on the mask and backpack. The mask he had was a dragon look-a-like mask. He then pressed the small button in his hand. Big dragon wings popped out of the bag making him look a lot bigger. I had the mask and bag be made for him so he could do the easy part. He slowly walked up to the dragon being careful to look at the signs she was giving him. He finally got the chance to put his hand on her face. He then put his head on her nose to show her that he trusted her. She lied down away from the egg, giving him permission to pass. He quickly took the egg and replaced it with another egg that i also had made. He walked back into the safety of the cave without a scratch. I yelled "that's my best friend" while the crowd roared. Not only was that my best friend, it was my best plan ever.

"hey" i said while walking up to Fred. "ready for that date?" Fred said in a flirty way. I gave him a spin in my dress, "yes I am". We walked for a bit in the castle. "where are we going" I questioned. I was even more confused when he walked up to a wall, "trust me, you will love it" he put his hand on a brick. It pushed back, revealing a door. "cool" I said while walking in.

It was a garden, like what you would imagine the garden Adam and Eve where in. We walked around for a bit till we reached a picnic. It was amazing

Authors note:
This is too long to put up in one part so part two will come soon. Please remember to comment and vote, it helps the story.

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