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Y/n POV:
Halloween, I Can't believe it's Halloween. These past two months went by way too quickly. "ok so what are we wearing for Halloween?" Said Hermione. "I don't know, I think you should be... a cat" I said mockingly. "haha, very funny. But you know what, I'm going to do it" Hermione replied. "what!? I was joking, Harry and Ron are going to make fun of you". "shh" I hear the librarian say. "sorry" I said back to her in a whisper. "if you can't beat um, join them. Make them believe that they are wrong. But, if you chose my costume, I get to chose your's". "so, what are you thinking?".

Hermione's POV:
Y/n is going to be so mad when she finds out what I'm about to do. Ron and I were talking and he let it slip that Fred and George are going to do demons for their costume's so I'm making y/n be "An angel, really Hermione!!!" She yelled. I knew she would flip out. "come on y/n, have some fun with it". "fine, I'll do it. But only cause I love you too much to say no". "I know" I replied, I can't wait till she sees why I want her to be an angel.

Time jump: Halloween day
"omg y/n, you look amazing!!" I say to y/n as she walks out of the bathroom. "If you think I look great then you need a mirror because you look awesome" y/n said with a smirk on her face.

Y/n POV:
I changed into my robe and went through my day. I can't believe that she actually wants me to wear that in like an hour, this sucks!

Time jump: Halloween feast:
Hermione and I walked up to Ron and Harry, who where standing outside the great hall."are you guys going to the after party" said Harry in a whisper. "of course, what about you Ron?" I said while looking at Ron. "yeah, I guess". We all walked in and sat down at our table.

After eating, Hermione and I walked up to our dorm while Ron and Harry walked to theirs. We put on our costumes and a robe on top so the professors wouldn't see what we where wearing. We meet up with the boys and walk to the three broomsticks, hogsmeade. When we get there George and Fred are already there. We all walk in and people start cheering. Hermione, Harry and Ron took off their robe but I was a bit too self conscious. What if everyone thought I looked weird, or to be more specific, what if FRED thought I looked weird. Hermione walked over to me and whispered "you are going to be fine, just take off the robe. I'm right here". I removed my robe and put my hand on my arm.

"wow" I heard the words escape someones mouth. When I looked up, it wasn't Fred, it was someone else. It was a brown haired boy in a prince costume, we was pale and really tall and extremely handsome. He blushed when he realized I heard him. "oh I'm so sorry, my name is Cedric diggory". "hi my name is y/n, and you don't look too bad yourself" i stayed talking to diggory while Harry, Ron and Hermione sent me kissy faces when diggory wasn't looking.

Fred POV:
I saw y/n walk in and remove her robe, she looked amazing. I opened my mouth to say something but someone beat me too it, diggory. Y/n and diggory continued to talk and hangout all night. I could only assume that this thing I was feeling was jealousy, I couldn't look at them all night so I stayed with George and tried to ignore them.

Y/n POV:
I saw Fred look over once or twice but this wasn't about him, it was about me, so I ignored him and had some fun. At the end, Cedric walked me to my common room. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, as I pulled away I could see his cheeks where turning a light pink. As he walked away. I waited for him to turn the corner before whispering the password to the fat lady. The door opened and I stepped in, went to my dorm, changed and went to bed. Today was amazing.

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