I know what you did this summer

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I spent the summer at the Weasley's house. I Love it there. I was on the express back to hogwarts when I was sitting with Cedric, telling him everything that happened. "ok, so here is what happened" I started. For the first month everything was normal, then it all fell apart. I was no longer mad at Fred or George. They asked me to play quidditch with them. Hermionie, Harry, Ron, ginny, Fred, George, and I were all playing. "I should keep score, since we are uneven" hermionie said. "yeah sure, that's why" Ron sarcastically said after. "oh please Ron, you cant even count" I snapped at him. I was not going to let him talk to her like that. "ok everyone. Ginny is with Ron and I. Y/n is with Harry and George" Fred said. He was very serious about this. I Liked teasing him so when no one was looking I whispered in his ear "I love when you get all authoritative on me" while pushing some hair behind his ear. "I thought you were too 'pristine' to be with me" he said while turning to me. "flirting doesn't hurt" I said while walking away. Ginny and I were keepers, Fred and George were chasers, while Harry and Ron were seekers. It was loads of fun. every time fred was about to score I would send him a smile or a wink or even bite my lip long enough for George to take the Quaffle from him. After the game Fred came to me and pulled me into the kitchen. He said "I love it when you play dirty". I pushed him away. "I'm 14 you perve" I said jokingly. " well tomorrow you will be 15, can I kiss you then?" He said pulling me back in. "I'll think about it you jack" I said as I walked back to the rest Of the group, trying not to draw too much attention to us.

The next day it was my birthday. The day went great. At night I couldn't sleep, I was thinking about Fred. I walked down the hall to go to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face then looked at myself in the mirror. After I dried my face and was about to walk out I was pushed back in. "Freddie" I said in reaction to him pushing me in while closing the door behind us. He picked me up and placed me on the counter. The cold counter touched my skin because of my shorts. "can I kiss you?" He asked so quickly I could barely react. I nodded. As soon as I did his lips came crashing into mine. It wasn't like kissing Cedric. ceddy's kiss was fun, short, and play full while Fred was passionate. I loved it. I grabbed his hair in my hand as I moaned into the kiss. "easy to please I see" Fred said with a smile. I looked at him. "we should probably go to bed, it's late" I said, shaking. He pulled me back in for a quick kiss and went to bed. I couldn't sleep that night.

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