Year 4 part 3

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It came the day where the players would be chosen. "for hogwarts Its Cedric diggory" I gave Cedric a big hug. After the ceremony, and the 'Harry is going to be playing' commotion ended, Cedric and I went to our special place by the lake. We sat down on the picnic blanket I had brought. He put his hand on my knee, "I think I deserve a kiss". "really now do you?" I said while pulling him in. "yes. Yes I do" right after saying this he planted a soft kiss on my lips, I kissed back. Kissing ceddy was nothing like Fred. With Fred I felt like the world stopped. With ceddy I was more like he loved me, but there was no spark. We both knew we didn't like each other, we just had fun.

If looks could kill I would be down with satan. After Dumbledore said that the Yule ball was happening next week. I was excited, but so where many boys when they saw me. "if I could get her under my wing, she would never want to leave" I heard a boy say while I was walking in the hallway. Men. I'm hoping someone will ask me.

"hey kitty, guess what?" He sounded happy. "what happened?"
"she said yes".
"cho, she said yes!"
"WHAT!!!" I was not actually surprised. Cedric was a catch. Any girl could see that. We hung out the rest of the day.

I waited and waited for him to ask and he never did. Then I heard he asked Angelina. For this very same reason I did what anyone would. I'm going fishing.

I found the perfect guy. Shane Schneider. Shane was really kind, he actually seemed to care. He asked me when I was at breakfast, right In front of Fred, it was perfect timing.

it finally came the day. I got ready in a beautiful burgundy gown. I curled the ends of my hair, letting it flow off my shoulders. I put on light make up sense I wanted to be naturally beautiful tonight ( authors note: I love makeup and have no problem with a cake face. It just isn't appropriate for an event like this). First i saw ginny and m "you guys look amazing" I claimed while walking up to them, giving each one a hug. "you think we look good, you look out of this world" I blushed lightly. We didn't meet the boys till we where there, with the person we were going with. Shane seemed to be having fun. When we arrived it was all eyes on us. Hermionie walked in first. I could see that Ron was both angry and stunned by what he was seeing. Then I walked in with my arm wrapped around Shane's. Fred was pissed but I was happy and I wasn't going to let that hurt me. "hey kitty" said ceddy while taking my hand and giving me a spin. "you look like a real life princess". "why thank you my prince" I replied while kissing him on the cheek. Then I felt someone grab my shoulder. It was Fred. "can we talk" I didn't want to go but I had to, what else could I do. "who's that" said Fred as soon as we were in another room. "my friend" I knew this was going to go south quickly.

"I don't think so"
"so what now you can tell if someone is my friend or not?!"
"well then you shouldn't have came with him! Does nothing we do matter to you!?"
"no, no, no. No! You do NOT get to pull that 'I'm the victim' bull! You asked Angelina, not me.  I was NOT going to be the loser at the prom who was too hung up on a guy so she came alone! Now if you will excuse me, I'm going back to my date"

I went back to the group and had lots of fun that night. I did get looks from Fred but never for too long, he was embarrassed and I was happy.

Your dress:

  Your hair:

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Your hair:

Mooncat: Next chapter will be quite spicy so read if you dare 😉

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Mooncat: Next chapter will be quite spicy so read if you dare 😉. You do not have to read that part, all you need to know is that it happened. I love you all. Btw I love that song and it goes with genre of the story so I recommend listening while reading
Mooncat out 😘

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