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when my eyes adjusted to the light i noticed it was mrs. weasley. CRAP! im rolling around in the mud, with her son and only in shirt. im goina kill myself.

" woah!" i heard mrs. weasley say while fred tried to cover my kinda naked body. " im so sorry" she said. i took freds wand out and passed it to him. he worked a spell that would redress us. " um, we heard laughing and screaming and got scared, it was just you guys though. please come inside for breakfast". the fact that it was us screaming and laughing is worse. i wish it was some serial killer. just image of the mom of the love of your life hears you "having fun" with her son. just perfect for me. fred grabbed my hand and we made our way to the house.

we sat at the table and everyone sat there, looking at us. looks like everyone heard us yesterday. we ate breakfast in silence, not wanting to talk about it but its the only thing we CAN talk about. after breakfast i went to ginny's room. " so... um... what happened" ginny said as soon as i closed the door. "well..." i was kinda not wanting to tell ginny 'yeah your brother told me he loved me and then we had amazing sex. then i said i loved him and we played in mud. oh by the way, your mom caught us rolling in the mud while i was half naked, so yeah'. " i um... we watched a movie as we um" " woah, woah woah, skip the details" ginny cut me off. " i wouldn't. we told each other that we love one another. then we started joking around, that's when your mum found us". "Yikes y/n. That's so weird, good luck at dinner" she's right. What am I gonna do!

After talking with ginny I went to go take a shower. Hmm, I dont know, do I want to spend the rest of my life with Freddie? I mean I love him but I think we are too young for this. But at the same time I want to grow old with him and die in each other's arms. My thoughts where cut short when Fred walked in the bathroom. " hey whatcha doin here??" " well I wanted to talk to you" he said taking his clothes off. He stepped in the shower with me, puting his hands on my elbows. " y/n, what are we doing"

Sorry to leave you on a clif hanger my lovelies, but this is for the better. Before anyone says anything I get I have been gone, this time it was different though. I was spiraling in depression and I wasn't in the mood to write. Then I was failing four classes and my dad took my phone. After this I wanted to come but becuase I didn't have time. I was trying to catch up in school and my parents weren't helping so I just shut down for awhile. I'm back but I can't promise I won't have another mental break. Please guys mental help is important and if you feel you need help, get it. I will try to continue the book. I love you
- mooncat

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