ding dong the witch is dead

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*ding dong* went the door as we sat in the living room, talking with my mom. I opened the door and found my father "oh y/n, right". "wow dad, forgot your only child was coming over" he gave me a hug, slipping a 20 in my pocket. "just don’t tell your mom" he whispered and walked into the living room. "hello Hunny" mom said getting up to greet him. the hill family has a very weird family complex. unlike with my mother, my father and I don't really get along, it's more like he pays me to like him and I accept it. I love my mom and all that she wants is for us to get along, even if it’s fake. "Hey, I'm Fred," Freddie said, extending his hand out. my father looked him up and down than to me. "im Julian" (a/n: don't judge the name, thats my actual dad’s name) he took Fred’s hand. 


we all sat at the table waiting for mom to step in with the roast. "ok everyone, I think Fred should get to cut as our guest right?" mom said. she was so kind and hyper, I guess I get it from her. Fred cut the roast and mom helped him serve. "oh no mom, im a vegetarian remember?" I had begun this diet a little after getting back to Hogwarts. "Oh right, yes, I remember the letter. which, by the way, you need to send more of. you know it gets lonely with the both of you constantly gone" I felt bad, dad was supposed to be her husband first. He was constantly at work and it pissed me off, ma has so much life left in her and she is spending it on him. " yeah don't worry, with school starting again I have plenty to write about" I said reaching over for her hand. "so... Fred, what are you doing after school" god damn it dad. one nice dinner is WAY too much to ask from you. "Well my brother and I are going to open a store together, we are still not sure what we are going to do yet but we have time to think about it" oh thank god he didn't say the truth about the store. "Well that sounds nice" what, my father just doesn't criticize him, what is he up to? "well did you hear y/n's plan? she wants to be a doctor" and there it goes, happens every fracking year. "oh no, she never told me" Fred said, placing a hand on my thigh and looking at me confused. "Well, she wants to be a muggle doctor. I fully intend to send her to college after Hogwarts. I hope that doesn't separate the two of you too much" ok, ok WHAT?! he is joking right? like pulling my strings. no way my father is supportive of college, and med school, and most importantly of Fred and i. "may I excuse myself" you said getting up and walking into the kitchen, Fred followed after you. "y/n, what's wrong?" oh my sweet baby. "I'm just confused, my father is never this kind, it's just... strange," I said, taking my time to say the last part. "Well he is trying peanuts," mom said from the doorway, and Fred stepped out to let us talk. "you know I knew that you and your father were not the best duos but I didn't know you hated each other" 

"i don't hate him ma I just... i don't understand his ability to NOT understand me after so long"-me

"well, he is trying. we are seeing a therapist and she said that to fix his problems he needs to mend old wounds"-mom

"no way. the only way that dad would go to any doctor is if he was dying" -me

Mom pulled a folder from the kitchen counter as if she knew I would say that, they were divorce papers. "I told him it was therapy or divorce and he chose me. for me that was the first step, he still has a long way but I think we can do it". wow, I could never imagine my mother pulled that move. "yeah ok mom, I get it, I mean he looks like he is trying". we re-enter the dining room, had dinner and went to bed. nobody spoke about it all night again. 

hey, so im sorry. I know, I know, I have just been focused on school and i just couldn't. i couldn't, i was so tired and had major writer’s block. well for a bit ima be writing on something else, i won't tell you what just yet but what I will say is that i'm loving it and the first paragraph isn't even done so... good luck ladies. peace out- mooncat

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