The perfect date part 2

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We sat down on the blanket he had put down. We ate a little and had a few butter beers before... " is it ok if I kiss you" it came out of the blue. " of course, you don't have to ask me for permission. You are my boyfriend" shit, I let that out by an accident. " yeah, ok" he replied while putting his hand on the back of my head, pulling me in. He kissed me hard, like he was hungry. I kissed back, I was not going to pass this up. He put his hand on my thigh. I took this as a sign that I should get on him. I straddled him while trying not to break the kiss. He kissed up my jaw line to my ear, he bit my ear. Then whispered "you ok with this?" I replied with a nod.

We continued to kiss while he slowly dragged his hand up my dress and on the band of my panties. I started to Pull his shirt up. He pulled my panties down and put them next to us. I threw his shirt, I wanted him. BAD.

"uhhh, f-fuck" I moaned while his circled my clit. " you are so wet, already?" He whispered to me. I looked at him "only for you daddy". "you better", he said while continuing to rub. I started to unbuckle his pants while kissing him. I pulled down his pants and then his boxers. His growing erection came out to play. I smirk at him. It seems like he felt this was a challenge because he stuck a finger in me. I yelled in pain but also in pleasure. In and out his finger went, after I adjusted he took out his finger and licked it. I spit on the tip of his penis. He lined up at my enterence, "you ready?" I nodded, again. I have never been more ready in my life.

He entered. It hurt like hell. I winced in pain. But it was good really good. We both got adjusted and continued.

" was I ... good" I was self conscious and I wanted to know. I had never done this before. With anyone. "you were better then just 'good' love" he replied while kissing me on the head.

Smut over
Fred and I got dress and got back to the castle. We continued to be together after that. Then he asked me something that I never thought he would.

Authors note: hey my little kittens. I know I haven't posted in a while and I'm sorry. First I was moving, then it was New Years and I have been have writers block which is why this part ended so quickly. I'm so sorry but I will be taking a break. I love you all

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