meeting the parents

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"oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" I said while looking at the time. "hey" Fred said coming down the common room stairs. "what took you so long!" I yelled at him. "Y/n, its o-k. Im sure they wont mind waiting a bit" he said while giving me a hug to calm me down up. "ok, but lets go. My father is a very picky man."

"ok so don't bring up quiditch or your parents. Oh and dont bring up your pranks or so help me God Fred" I whispered as we stood at the front door. "I wont. I promise" he gave me a kiss on the head and rang the door bell. My mom opened the door and let us in. "well you must be fred, peanut has told me all about you" she said, walking into the living room. "please sit down. My husband has work so he wont be here for awhile" of course he isnt here. "well im going to show him my room ma, we will be down by diner" I say taking freds hand. "ok hun, have funnnn" my mother said, walking away into the kitchen. I closed the door to my room and fell back on my bed. Fred sat next to me, nuding me to get me up right. "your mom is nice". "yeah, she is the least bit of my problems. My dad is, he isnt the kindest. He is what people call judgemental" I looked at him then placed my head on his sholder. "well what do you think" he looked at me with a trusting look. "he is a fucking self righteous ass with hints of toxic masculinity and sexism. He only cares about himself and money, the only family he ever really had" I ended my rant still pissed. My father didnt give a dam about anyone and was a clinical narcissist, he is discusting. "im so sorry y/n. I guess I have always been around loving parents i never knew how it is" Fred gave me a kiss of the cheek. "no I'm sorry. The last thing that you need is a rich girl complaining about ' how hard my life is'" I said putting up air qoutes. I layed back down and put my arms up indicating a hug. He came down to me and whispered "you know you aren't a burden right?". He kissed my neck and tickled me "haha yes, yeah. I know freddie". We made out for awhile then cuddled. "mhh, I love you y/n, whatever happened with your father doesn't matter because I love you" we both sat their till I fell asleep.

"Hey Wake up, your mom is done with dinner" freddie said softly. I got up and walked over to the door, grabbing freds hand I exited knowing what was just about to happen, this is thanksgiving all over again.

Heyyyyy!! So im writing a new story to release some stress, my question is what story do yall want next. Im thinking Ncis, maybe some marvel, or whatever you guys want. I love y'all Pease out- mooncat

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