The first feast

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Y/n POV:
Hagrid knocked on the huge door 3 times. A women opened the door. Harry whispered in my ear "that's Mrs. Magonagall, she is a head master and teacher here". "oh ok, thanks Harry". Professor magonagall said "before the feast you all will be sorted into your houses". "is it true that Harry Potter is here" said a white haired boy. "yes mr. malfoy" professor Magonagall said while gesturing at Harry. It seems that this "Malfoy" kid didn't get the memo because he thought that I was with Harry since I was standing right next to him. "you must be Harry Potter, and is this your very beautiful sister". He goes to grab my hand. "you two really shouldn't be hanging out with these mudbloods, you should be with your real crowd" he said while pointing at two boys. Malfoy goes down to kiss my hand. Harry finally says something. "actually she is my friend..." Harry says while pulling my hand away from the grasps of Malfoys hand. "they all are". Professor magonagall continued "that's enough mr. Malfoy. Let's enter". We all go into the great hall. It's awesome. There are floating candles above our heads and four very, very looooong tables. We were told to line up in pairs I stood with Harry while Hermione and Ron stood in front of us. Mrs. magonagall started to call out student names "granger, Hermione". Hermione walked onto the stage "Gryffindor" went the sorting hat. Then Harry "Gryffindor" again. Then Ron "Gryffindor" again! They finally called me I walked up, I sat down, and professor magonagall placed the hat on my head. The hat was huge, it fell over eyes. The sorting hat said " hmm, you seem smart, yet kind, but courageous, I say Gryffindor". Yes, I get to be with my friends. I walked over to the Gryffindor table next to Hermione. She said "congrats y/n" trying not to be too loud. "yea" said Harry. "I'm hungry" said Ron, "manors Ronald" said Hermione. Haha, I'm already loving it here. Then a tall man with a long beard started to speak. "now I understand that you are all very tired and hungry, so I will make this a quick reminder. No student of any year is allowed in the forbidden forest. Now, you may eat". "y/n that is dumbledore, head of the school" said Hermione "oh ok, thanks". After dumbledore said that we should eat, tons on tons of food appeared on the table. As I go to grab some chicken { sorry if you don't like chicken}, I noticed that Fred was staring at me. I look back at him with confusion on my face, he then winked at me. I started to choke on my water and it came out of my nose. He chuckled as I blushed and wiped the water off my face. Great, I just got here and I'm already flustered.

Time jump: after every one eats
"ok everyone, please follow your perfects to your common rooms" said professor magonagall. I could feel a hand on my back, pushing me forward. "come on we wouldn't want you to get trampled" I blushed, it was Fred. Again, damn it. Get yourself together
y/n. We start walking when I noticed Fred was walking next to me, I looked down at his hand swinging next to mine. "are you good?" He said. I quickly moved over a bit and said "yes, I'm ok". We stop walking at a painting of a fat lady. "this is our common room entrance, the password changes every month or so. For now it is snickerdoodle, when it is changed it will be posted on the common room board". We started to enter the common room, it was huge and wonderful. Most of the furniture was red. Fred whispered in my ear "cool right". I flinched. Unlike when Hermione or Harry whispered in my ear, I was twitching and my knees were shaking. Stop it. "y-yeah" I replied with a shake in my voice. "now I will show you your dorms" said the perfect. We all followed the perfect into the dorms. Hermione and I got lucky, we were in the same dorm and there were no other girls in our room. Nice. "well I'm going to get ready to go to bed then I will unpack, ok?" Said Hermione. I replied "yeah, sure". I took out my clothes for tomorrow as I thought of how excited I am. I take out my wand and stare at it. "you really shouldn't have that out" said Hermione while coming out of the bath room. "oh sorry" I put my wand away. "ok I'm going to get ready for bed, be right back" I say while smiling at Hermione. I took a shower, washed my face, brushed my hair and teeth. I walked out of the bath room "good night y/n" I heard Hermione say. "good night". I turned the lights off and went to bed.

Authors note: I'm not sure but I think she sounded kinda bratty. If you are not ok with this please comment that, thanks!

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