It's beginning to look a lot like fred weasley ( part 2)

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"Hey y/n" I hear behind me while I'm walking to charms. "heard the bad news, sorry" it was the twins. I'm guessing they're talking about Christmas. "yeah, it's no biggy, it happens all the time. Plus I can just stay here and study more" I say while turning around, walking backward. "or..." said George. " or what?" I asked with confusion while stepping to the side of the hall, so I don't run into anyone. "you could come to the burrow" Fred finished. "the burrow?" I questioned while looking up. God they were tall. " yeah, that's our house. I'm sure mom would be ok with it" George reassured, I take a minute to think. "ok" I say. "you're not going to ask your parents?" They both ask. "Nah, they don't care where I go. so I'll meet with you guys in the common room tomorrow?" I ask rather quickly. "yeah sure," George says. "see you later hill," they both say while walking away. I start to walk away when I look back. I see Fred was looking at me. As soon as I saw him, he stopped. Hm, how odd?

The next day I was packing clothes as Hermione and I talked. "you ever have Christmas with someone else's family?" I ask hermione. "no, but I don't think it will be that bad, what about you?". "yeah all the time". We finish packing and go to the common room. There the boys were waiting for us. "finally" I heard Ron streak. We all leave.

We all get on the express back to platform 9 3/4. When we get there we were all pretty tired. Molly gave us all big hugs, even though she didn't know me. "you must be y/n. Everyone speaks so nicely of you" she said with a big smile. Did they talk about me? How bazaar.

"Y/n!" I heard from across the platform. It was Cedric. I told the group of people I was with to give me a minute. I walked up to him "hey" he said lightly while giving me a hug. "hi, your spending Christmas with your dad right?" I question. "yeah, and you are...?" He says while darting his eyes over to the group. most of them were smiling at him, everyone except Fred and George. If one twin doesn't like you, they both don't. Cedric whispered in my ear "I guess your boyfriend doesnt like me". I pushed him playfully while whispering back "shut up". He pulled me in for one more hug "marry Christmas y/Nn". "marry Christmas ceddy, love ya" I replied. "I love you too," he said while pulling away blowing a kiss as he walked away. I walked back to the group, Hermione almost immediately asked what was that. I shrugged.

When we got there molly explained how we were going to sleep. "Harry and Ron in Ron's room. Hermionie, ginny, and y/n in Ginny's room. And everyone else in their rooms" she said. Ginny came down the stairs. I had only heard of Ginny, I had never seen her before. " hey I'm Ginny" she said sticking her hand out. I shook her hand. "hey, I'm y/n" I responded. "and I'm Hermione" said Hermione. Ginny shook her hand too. "let's go to my room, my brothers can be annoying" Ginny said as we all laughed. We all became instant best friends. "guys I have to tell you something" I say. "I'm not reall-" I'm cut off by a knock at the door. It was Ron. "dinners ready," he said quickly and left.

After dinner we went back to Ginny's room. "Y/n you were saying" Hermione quickly said as she closed the door. "oh right, I'm not dating Cedric. His just my friend, my best friend actually" Hermione pretended to be hurt. I corrected myself "Well one of my best friends".

We talked for a while then went to bed. I haven't had this much fun during the holidays for many years. The next day it's Christmas Eve and I wake up before all the other kids. I walk downstairs and chat with molly while drinking tea. "so" molly says. "who was that boy at the platform". I almost choked. No adult has ever asked me about my personal life, just the regular. ' how is school' and 'how are you' never actually caring about my answer. "um, he was- is my friend" I reply. "really now, I don't think i have hugged and blown kisses to any of my friends like that" she says in a cutie way as if trying to be funny. I chuckle "no, no you don't," I say while looking down. "so is he your boyfriend or are you not together" she asked. "he isn't, he is one of my close friends". We continued to talk while making breakfast and waiting for the others to wake. I could hear groaning and moaning upstairs as if the damn zombie apocalypse started. As soon as molly called out breakfast 8 hungry children came running down the stairs. We all sat at the table and ate while making light chatter. After breakfast it was around 11:30, that's when molly started to cook the Christmas dinner. We all lended a hand here and there but in the end, around 2 we all got ready for the day. Thank god that the Weasleys had several bathrooms and that we didn't have to share with the boys.

Hermione and ginny start to head to the stairs. "come on y/n, you look amazing" she said while I hide behind the door. I walk out from behind it, "ya think?".

We all walked downstairs. "well took you long enough" said George when we stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "shut it George" ginny Snapped. "hey, no fighting!" Molly said from the dining room. We all sat down at the table. Christmas Eve passed and we all went to bed. Christmas Day I woke up super early, earlier than yesterday, around 6 am. Not even molly was up. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a mug. While pouring in water I heard someone behind me. "ya know there's a spell for that right?" Fred said while standing in the doorway. "yeah but I'm a first year, I don't know it yet" I replied trying really hard not to stare at him. "here, let me show you" he said while walking up to me, I turn back to the glass on the counter. I took my wand out as he put his hand on mine while standing behind me. "repeat after me" he said, now whispering. "aguamenti" he said, I quickly repeat. The mug started to fill with water. I didn't move waiting for him to back away from me. He backed up and grabbed a mug while pointing his wand and saying "aguamenti". We both went to the living room and sat down. We talked for a bit, Fred then said, "I want to show you something". He walked, I followed. He stopped at a doorway. "what?" I say in confusion. He looked at me then up. I looked up and saw a mistletoe. "I remember someone telling me that muggles use this to get a kiss, so i thought I would try it," he said while looking down at my lips. I tiptoed up to him and kissed him. On the cheek. "sorry Freddie but I'm not THAT easy". It seemed to me that Fred didn't care that I looked like I was with Cedric, he was bold, and I liked that. I heard footsteps. I quickly move back, making it so there was appropriate space between us. It was molly. She said "hey, you two are up early," she noticed that there was heavy awkward energy between us. She then said "y/n can you help me with something?", I replied with a smile and a yes while turning back to smile at Fred.

"Hey, are you ok? Did he pull a prank on you" molly said, making sure that Fred had gone upstairs. "no he didn't" I say while looking down. "you can tell me anything y/n" I look at her, then back down. "he tried to kiss me" I say mumbling. "WHAT!!!" People from 3 miles away could have heard her. I could hear creaking coming from the stairs. It was Fred, she looked at him with intense eyes. I gently grab her arm and give her a look, signaling that I don't want her to address it. She backed down, "nothing, just um, nothing". Fred took a glance at me seeming to ask me what's wrong. I shrug, he seemed to buy it. As soon as he leaves molly turns to me "what do you mean he tried to kiss you" she said, whispering just Incase. "yeah, but it's ok. I wanted him to". "but what about the boy on the platform?" She asked. "oh Cedric? He is just my friend. Plus nothing happened, we didn't kiss". We talked till people started to wake. "Breakfast," Molly said. We all eat.

After Hermione, ginny, and I go to Ginny's room, there I tell them everything that happened. " no way he actually tried that" Hermione says, " please tell me he didn't kiss you" Hermione and Ginny went onto say. "he didnt" I reassured them.

Christmas break was over, and I didn't want it to be. At the platform, molly hugged us all as Mr. Weasley waved in the background. We all said our goodbyes and got on the train. It was extremely cold. I was walking behind Hermione, Harry, and Ron. I look out the windows as I see beautiful white plains passing by, I get pulled into a car, it was Cedric. "hey y/n, nice to see you again" he says while hugging me. "aww, I missed you too". I feel like Cedric and I were the kind of friends that people didn't like because we were so close. He kissed me on the cheek, "how is my favorite person doin?" He asked with a smirk on his face while we sat down. He put his arm around me, "oh my god you won't believe it" I start. "Fred tried to kiss me", ceddy had a surprised look on his face. "really?" "yeah". "well now I feel like you are cheating on me" he said while putting his hand on his chest. "haha, I would never and could never change you out for any guy". I kiss him on the cheek and get up. "I have to go with the rest of my friends, they must be wondering why I'm missing all of a sudden". "bye y/n" he says while hugging me. "bye ceddy". I walk out and head to the trio.

Authors note: to those of you who have been reading my story I'm so sorry this took so long. I will be trying to post every other day ( if I post on Monday, I will post on Wednesday and etc) though some times I will post between those days. I will post on Christmas Eve and Christmas as my present from me to you. Marry Christmas 🎄❤️

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