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" what?" I question wondering what the hell he meant. "I mean soon enough I will graduate and then you will stay at Hogwarts, what then?". I looked at him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders " Freddie, nothing has to change. we can stay together after Hogwarts, we can talk more if you like?". " y/n? Why haven't I met your parents?" shit. SHIT. I don't want him to meet my parents, they're assholes. crap. " well um, I guess I just don't want to". " you think they won't like me? or maybe you're embarrassed by me?". "No, Freddie, I'm not! I love you! it's just my parents aren't the best people '' I turn around to face the running water again. Fred swiftly put one of his arms around my waist pulling me into him then he put his head on my shoulder and said "damn right you do". he turned me around then picked me up and slammed me against the wall, smashing his lips into mine. he lets his hand go where ever he wanted and I wasn't stopping him. I grabbed his wet red hair in my hands as I pulled him away to take a breath. He started to attack my neck with kisses leaving those purple bruises I love. I moaned loudly which only excited him more. While he did his magic on my neck and tits I reached over to grab my wand and put the silencing spell on the room. as I did this he started to rub my clit as I was about to give up right there and then he said "don't, hold it" in a soft voice. "ok" I said trying as hard as I could to hold it in. " ok who?" he said this now rubbing faster and sticking two fingers in. i gasped " ok daddy, I won't I promise" I was at the verge of falling apart and he knew it, "ok, now you can cum". I had never, ever felt so good in my entire life, it was amazing, he was amazing. I was almost just about worn out when he said "oh we are not done princes''. Just as I was getting ready to muster myself back up he stuck his huge length right into my entrance, he knew I liked rough but this is a whole new level. I yelled out "fuck" as he thrust into me I just sat there with my legs rapped around his hips dumbfounded. I could feel my second wave coming and I knew what he was going to say so I said " daddy im-im- im going uhh cum" groning in between each word. he grabbed my neck in his hand and said "no you are not, you are going to wait for daddy ok? he is so close just wait". " ok daddy" we both started to pant and breath really heavy and then he said " now" allowing me to release. " fu-c-k" I slurred. I felt his warm cum shoot up into me, and I loved it. we sat there for a moment before he pulled out and placed me down. I could barely stand as he took a shower.

so... hey bitches!!! I am feeling 3000 right now because I just woke up from the sunlight and honestly I feel awesome. I'm not sure I will be writing more today but maybe tomorrow? I don't really know since I don't have a schedule but like whatever! btw the likelihood of me posting on Fridays is very low cuz my teachers normally give me a crapload of homework on Friday so yeah I will talk to yall later daddy's little whore!


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