Year 4 part 1

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Before we start I know I skipped two years, I get that but like, nothing interesting happened those years. It was too boring to include in the fic, sorry guys. If you want I can do a flash back.
-Much lub, moon cat.

"Morning love" said Cedric while walking towards me, putting his arm around my shoulder. We continued to walk to my next class, potions. I gave him a big hug while pulling him to the side. I kissed him on the cheek, "hey babe, how ya doin?". I understood that several people saw us but they didn't care, they were used to this behavior from us. "so... how do you feel about the Triwizard Tournament" he said quickly, as if trying to speak so quickly that I didn't hear him. I said "it's something I would like to see. why?" I knew why but I wanted him to say it. "I want to play. I want to be the wizard for hogwarts" I knew it, it's like he is asking for my approval even though if I say no he will still do it. "that's really cool ceddy, I wish I could join. Too bad I'm too young" I wasn't lying, I did want to join. Even though people die in this tournament, those who don't and do, come out as legends. I wanted to be a legend. "if you want you can help me" he said while kissing me on the head. "come on before you're late. I need you every minute possible".

It came the big day where the other schools came in. Beauxbatons came in a tap dance kinda way. It was beautiful. Then came in brumstrang, they came in a army type style with fire shows. It was awesome. They sat down as we had our feast. After a couple of days came when students put there names in the goblet of fire. A couple of students put there names, including a girl from Beauxbatons, and a guy from drumstrang who seemed to have got my attention. The guy gave hermionie a quick flirty look, I'll talk to her about it later. I saw several guys from here and drumstrang looking at me. like i was a gazelle, and they were a lion. Hungry, looking for something good to hunt.

Then I saw Cedric walk up. I gave him a swift smile and wave. He returned it. He stepped over the age circle and put in his name, that he wrote on a piece of paper. When he stepped out I walked over and gave him a big hug. Walking back to his table I noticed something, the twins. Fred and George where going to try and put there names in. I was worried because they were good at making potions and what if it worked? What if they get in and die? What if Fred dies?

Fortunately for me, it didn't work, they didn't get in and they were safe. He was safe. Thank god!

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