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*Fred’s pov*

as she shot up everyone looked at her "y/n? y/n!?". I was dumbfounded, how did she survive, well I don't care, I love her. she quickly reached out for me, crying, "I love you so, so much. I want to be with you for the rest of my goddamn life. and we would get married and have babies. 6, I want 6 babies and want to raise them together on a peaceful hill just like your parents did and I never want to leave your side. I also promise to never kiss George''. she cried and cried on my shoulder. "wait what was that about me?" George asked, seemingly confused. We both looked at each other then burst into laughter, everyone else following. 

*back to you*

After a while of being bedridden, I was allowed to get up and go back to school. I was walking around when I bumped into a big tall figure, Freddie. "Well hello stranger," he said, trying to make it seem as if we didn't know each other. " hi, you sure are a tall stranger," I said, giving him a wink and smile. " my height is not the only thing with length" he whispered into my ear, bending down to my height. " oh really? Why don't you show me?'' I said pulling him into a closet. 

*smut warning*

" uhh" I groaned as he slammed me over a desk that was there, " I wonder if you let every guy bend you over like this". " no daddy, only you". " Still, you deserve to be punished" he smacked my ass with a firm upper grip, I felt a wave of guilty pleasure wave over me. As he kept slapping my ass I never realized that he had lowered his pants and lined up at my entrance. He slammed into me, " Fred!" I yelled involuntarily. " shut up bitch. whores don't get warnings" I love it when he is rough, it just turns me on more. he keept slamming and slamming, " oh my god you are sooo tight" he moaned in my ear. At this point I was a moaning mess, I couldn't think right. just as I was going to tell him that I was about to cum he hit my g-spot making me inaudible. "fuck ye-ss daaaddy, rigght theere" I whispered as my throat was dry. "me too just hold it a bit longer" within minutes we were both cumming. 

*smut over*

after my accident we were having a lot more sex, it’s like we wanted to spend the most amount of time together. however, we needed to talk about what we were going to do after school, "ok so you are still going to open the store with Georgie right" I said trying to be sure 

"yes but if that's not what you want then we could do something else"

"no. I want you to be happy and I love George too. I know he wouldn't do it without you. The problem is I'm still moving to the US. I think that while you guys kick off the store I will be away at college and that will make it easier, then when I come back we can continue where we left off ok?" I said, trying to come up with the best plan for us. 

"no, I can't wait that long. I want you in my life y/n. I just want you" he kissed me with all the passion in his body. "I want to marry you y/n hill" his words struck me like a car. I knew we were going to get married someday but I didn't know he would ask me at such a time when I'm off guard. "um yes!!!" he kissed me and then we fell back onto the bed, spending our first night together as fiances.

i fuckin love all of you!!! When I first started my writing sucked, I have no idea why so many people are reading this but I love you guys so much!!! I want to end the series since I have been doing this since last year and I’m no longer inspired to write this. however... I did start a Draco series and I want to know what you guys think, do you want another story? I want to know your thoughts so put them in the comments and I will write what YOU want. you can also hit me up on Instagram @solar.moon_cat. hugs and kisses 

-mooncat out 

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