Mama bear

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"Mmmm" Fred moaned while we kissed. He pulled away. "something wrong?" "no, I just wanted to ask you something" oh no. Is he breaking up with me!? Is this it? I gave him a peck on the lips, "yeah?" "do you want to come back to the burrow with me for the summer?" My heart dropped when I heard those words. "ye.. yes o-of course" he gave me a big hug. I can't wait to spend the summer with Freddie and his family.

"hey kitty" Cedric says while giving me a kiss on the head, putting his arm around me. "hey! How are ya?" "good just hanging out with cho". "you mean your gIRlfRieNd" I said loudly, just enough so people would hear me. "and you were with your boyfriend" while putting up air quotes when saying boyfriend. "don't be jealous, you know you're the only man I can love" I replied. "well I see you later, I have a study date with Fred". "mhmmm hmm, yeah a 'study date'." I winked at him then walked away.

I walked my way down to the common room with my case. "hey" Fred said while pulling my waist towards him for a warm 'hello' kiss. I kissed him back, "hey". "you ready?" He asked. "I've met your family before. I'll be fine".

When we got closer to the platform I broke down. "what if his mom doesn't like me!? What about his dad? What if HE doesn't like me but feels bad for me!???" I cried to hermionie, Harry and Ron. "kitty you will be fine" H said. "my mom loves you. And my dad likes you too. As for Fred, he is IN love with you. Even George said it" Ron exclaimed. They're really good friends for calming my nerves.

He got off the express and headed to mrs and mr Weasley. After they said hello to everyone they walked up to me and gave me a big hug together. "I never thought that my baby boy would actually bring a girlfriend home!" Mrs. Weasley said. I felt my blood skip a beat. I'm the first girlfriend he brought home! I knew he has had many girlfriends before Me, but this is news to me.

When we arrived at the borrow everyone went wild while I sat in the couch, not knowing what to do. Fred walked up to me and pulled my hand. He started to drag me up the stairs when... "no, absolutely not in this house Fredrick Weasley, girls to Ginny's room, Harry to Ron's room". I kinda knew she was going to say that but I didn't want to say anything to Fred. We went up to Ginny's room and talked about everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

"everyone, diner time" Mrs. Weasley called out. We all sat down and started to eat. Then Mrs. Weasley started to ask me questions, "so y/n, where are your parents?" I almost gaged. "they're home. They just let me stay here, since I came back fine last time" I giggled, trying to lighten the mood. She smiled back, "oh ok. Do your parents know about you and Fred" I took a quick glance at Fred, who was sitting next to me, for what to answer. He shrugged, "no. well my mom does but my dad doesn't. He would go crazy if he knew. he isn't the most excepting". "oh ok" Mrs. Weasley replied. I could see she didn't like my answer but didn't want to say anything. Fred put his hand on my thigh and whispered in my ear "it's going be ok. I promise".

After dinner we went up to our assigned rooms. I think I did ok today, 103 days left to go.

Hello, I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry my kittens. I have been having a weird start of the year but better then last year. Do you guys remember how I said my aunt is pregnant?
It's a boy!!!!!

Again I'm sorry, I will try to post more.

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