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Freedom was so close that Fwega could taste it on her tongue. Or, maybe that was the bitter taste of her now purple saliva which coated the inside of her mouth. Fwega swallowed thickly, glancing around the marketplace.

The colorful bazaar reminded her so much of Galdana, but when she met the eyes of the people running their respective booths, all she saw was tentacles and plain blonde and brown locks. She guessed that without Zita, the rest of her race would be at those booths, selling lost promises and handcrafts that only Galdonians knew how to make. The gravel crackled gently as they walked and Fwega looked down at the uneven path.

Zita tugged her along, her arm looped in her's. "That one was once Galdonian-owned, that too, oh, and there's the remains of a stonekeeper's tablet! I remember destroying that. Soon, sweetheart, you'll be just like all of them. Forgotten. I'll be the only one left, and I can twist your story however I please." Her lips touched Fwega's ear as she talked and the queen of Galdana shivered, trying to pull away from Zita's strong grip but failing.


"You've tried begging me for mercy, and I already told you, love, you aren't getting it. Now, you only have a day or two until you're gone, so how about we take things as we go? Unless you're getting antsy."

Fwega slumped against her shoulder, her legs getting heavier for every step she took. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a flash of white, but she was too weak to turn towards it.

A thrill raved through her and she tried to look at the white-clothed figure again, but it had gone. Something felt strange about it. It felt like home.

"Here, have some." Zita offered Fwega a slice of burrberri but Fwega shook her head slightly, her cheek rubbing against Zita's shoulder. She didn't trust anything that Zita offered, but she was getting to her limit on how long she could be with minimal sustenance. Closing her eyes, she let Zita lead then along until they reached the end of the marketplace. Fwega only opened her eyes when she felt the steps of Zita's small apartment. She grunted as she was thrown to the floor, groaning as another bruise began to form on her tailbone.


"C'mon, boo. You gotten eat something!" Zita went into her small kitchen, busying herself with preparing a meal for the two of them.

"I'm not eating anything from you." Fwega spat, wiping her mouth with her hand. The looked down at her skin, tracing the purpleish tinge her veins had adopted.

"It's your choice darling." Zita was suddenly in front of Fwega, her finger tracing the three scars on her cheek gently. "Soon you whole skin will be purple. And by then, it'll be too late to beg for mercy once again. Although your pitiful cries always bring me joy."

Fwega's eyes met Zita's, then traced the curve of her jacket to meet the knife on her belt. "I will deny you death until you beg me for it."

Zita blinked, her lips parting into a smile after she licked her teeth. "That was a powerful line. Too bad it was wasted on me. I can't wait to tell everyone of the failed queen of Galdana, who failed to protect her planet and her people. The queen who abandoned those she loved the most to wallow in grief. The one who-"

Fwega cried out and grabbed the knife from Zita's belt, trying to stab her kidnapper. Zita sidestepped, tutting.

"Babe, where has this energy come from? We were just talking-"

The door slammed open, and Fwega felt the same simmering force as before, the one that felt like home. A figure entered and distracted the two of them, Fwega struggling to stand to meet this new threat.

"Back away from her." This voice was female, the earthy tones of her voice almost familiar to Fwega. Maybe it was the way she former her 'r's, or maybe it was just the newfound strength Fwega found in her presence.

"Ahsoka?" Fwega asked, tilting her head. Her energy was similar to Ahsoka's, but not quite the same.

Zita used that distraction to spin around, procuring another knife for her coat and stabbing Fwega in the side.

"No!" The figure cried, igniting a blue saber and lunging at Zita.

Fwega's vision blurred and white-hot pain overwhelmed her. She couldn't see, she couldn't hear, she couldn't think. Her hands flew to her wound, tears on the edge of her vision. She could feel the warmth of her blood as it moved through her fingers, tingled purple. She imagined that purple coursing through her veins, coating her whole body with violet death.

It was through a haze she saw Zita slidstep the saber, her loud laughter dying as the hood fell from the woman's face. And it was in this hesitation that the woman brought down her blue saber, impaling Zita through the shoulder. Fwega heard her cry out as she fell, the last of her strength going towards checking if Fwega was alive.


That would be Zita's last word. Fwega felt her anger as she realized she didn't complete her task, she didn't kill Fwega. Zita didn't kill the last of her kind.

Fwega was the last Galdonian.

"Hey, hey, stay with me, okay? Don't close your eyes, or you'll be gone forever." The woman was hovering above Fwega now, and she could see her warm brown eyes and long brown hair cascading around her face in a halo of sorts.

"I think I'm dying?"

The woman shook her head, smiling lightly. "Just focus on holding on."

She brought her hand down to lay over Fwega's wound, closing her eyes. Fwega felt waves of energy surround her, pure and white, just like the ones around Grogu on the mountain. She thought of the child as she struggled not to fade away, staring instead at the ceiling. The spackle formed a constellation, and Fwega tried to pick out what exactly she was seeing. She decided that they formed a spider of sorts, each limb growing clearer and clearer by the second.

The woman breathed a sigh, the energy reaching a climax before dying down. When Fwega touched her side, she was surprised to find it healed completely.

"You're... You're a jedi?" Fwega could see clearly now, and when she looked at her wound she only saw a faint line, much like when the child had healed her shoulder on Nevarro.

The woman smiled softly. "Yes."

"Whats-" Fwega coughed gently. "I- the poison-"

"I'll help you find the antidote, don't worry. When I felt your connection to the force, I had to follow you. Are you linked?"

"How would you know-" Fwega paused, glancing at her hair once again. "What planet are you from?"

"Alderaan." The woman sent her a soft smile, setting a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm Leia."


Alrighty!! We're almost done!

I'm thinking about ending Galdana after these next few chapters instead of continuing with the third season, but I'm not sure. The ending of this is going to be satisfying so I'm just not sure if it'll be worth it. What do you think?

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!!

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