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Fwega decided to be reckless.

It wasn't necessarily her decision, but with the heat of the blaster shots so close to her face, she knew she couldn't be reserved any longer.

The first barbarian kicked down their defense, and she leaped on him, holding him down so a villager could shoot him.

The mud squelched as she stood up, and she used the back of her hand to swipe up some loose hairs that had fallen over her brow.

Her x- shaped scar crinkled as she narrowed her eyes, trying to see through the thick black of the night. Every time a blaster went off, it illuminated the battle in a hazy red light, making the barbarians leer in the scarlet heat, and gave Fwega just enough light to hit her next victim in the side of the head with her staff.

She crumpled with the body.

The emotions in the air made it seem electric; fear, rage, hate, panic. Death wasn't an emotion but Fwega could feel it within her bones. Sticky, hot blood coated her mouth.

She stood up, only to be knocked down again by a giant figure. The leather on him didn't hide his gruesome face, and Fwega screamed, hoisting the dagger Mando gave her and stabbing him. He slumped, and Fwega had to use all of her body weight to push him off her.

Pausing, she hovered over his body and closed his eyes.

She sheathed her dagger, shaking.

The AT-ST took a step closer towards the trap set for it, and Fwega paused to look at it. It was certainly a beautiful piece of machinery. Beautifully deadly, the most dangerous of them all.

It turned and fired at the baracade in front of Fwega and she dropped into the mud, fully coating the front of her body. She groaned, remembering the days when she was clean and free of any mud. She decided she hated mud, it was too squishy and squelched when she dug through it to retrieve her staff.

The attention of the AT-ST diverted, and she sprung from her spot just in time to see the machine take one more step forward and sink right into the trap they had set for it.

Her shock soon turned to joy as the barbarians fell back into the woods, crippled by their confounding loss.

Time seemed to slow.

She watched the villagers turn to each other and hug, unfazed by the mud and dirt streaking their faces.

Fwega's adrenaline wore off. She felt the sting of a cut on her side, and dozens of other scrapes all over her body. She felt sore.

Glancing down at her hands, she felt the blisters and calluses of training, but could only feel them due to the mud covering her hands.

The more horrible emotions faded away with the barbarians, replaced with a bright and glimmering feeling that even she felt.


She heard her name being called and she looked up, seeing Cara and Mando wading through the throng of villagers to greet her.

She tried to be happy, hopeful, but all she could see when she closed her eyes was herself stabbing the giant man. The feeling of love she felt as he bled out, as if he was remembering something, or someone.

Her hands caught her as her legs gave out, and she sobbed, curling her fingers in the mud like she could get rid of the blood that had spurted onto her hands when she took up her dagger and stabbed him.

Mando stopped in his tracks when he saw her crumple, but Cara ran faster, kneeling in front of the girl and lifting her into her arms, hugging her. Fwega took a moment to respond, but wrapped her arms around her in return.

"It will pass." Cara pulled away to look into Fwega's eyes, the green of her iris especially potent within her unfallen tears.

"I know what you're feeling. It will pass."

Fwega nodded and blinked.

Cara helped her to stand up, patting her once her shaky legs supported her. She saw Mando's where she left him, staring at Fwega amidst the villagers and mud.

Fwega stumbled towards him and he ran forward to meet her. The armor dug into her arm as she wound her arms around his neck, but she didn't care. He hugged her with just as much force as she hugged him, but cursed the bulk of his helmet, for he couldn't bury his head in her neck.

He let get when she yelped, the armor on his arm digging into the big cut on her side.

Mando set her down and fussed over the cut, but Fwega laughed, pushing his hands away from her.

She grabbed his helmet and brought it close to her face.

Fwega kissed the front of it, and in that moment, Mando pretended she was kissing him for real.


Hello! Thanks for reading :)!! This chapter is dedicated to JayKatti25  for being so supportive, thank you!!
Also dedicated to @Drag0nRider201 for your wonderful and motivating comments!!!

Hope you enjoyed!!

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