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The trees were dead.

Fwega hated it. The ground rumbled gently as one of the giant beings in the distance tore off the top of one of the trees, but other than that, the wind whistling through the rotted bark was the only sound. Fwega tried to expand her scope to the giant creature, but her focus was interrupted when Mando stepped out onto the ramp beside her, his emotions the only thing apparent in the gloom.

"What is it?" His voice was a whisper. He tilted his helmet at her.

"The trees are dead. And our link is strengthening." She turned towards him and smiled. "The emotions of others are fading, but yours are becoming stronger. It's a little disorienting."

He nodded. "Your's too."

Fwega grabbed his hand, his worn gloves contrasting her warm skin.

"Here." His other hand came around and he handed her a hooded cloak. "Your hair is so bright, it may attract unnecessary attention, which we don't need."

Fwega frowned but complied. Mando shook his head at her frown, but stopped himself from saying anything. She felt his apprehension.

"It's okay, I get it, don't worry. It's just an important part of my culture-"

"Nevermind, then, it's fine."

She shook her head and put the hood up, looking up at him. "Better?"

He sighed. "Yeah."

Fwega put her hand on the bottom rim of his helmet, ignoring the hand that shot up and caught her wrist as she lifted it gently. She closed her eyes and pushed herself towards him, lifting his helmet further.

He caught her lips with his, sweet and soft. Their link strengthened ever so slightly, pulling Fwega even closer to him. They broke apart for a second before Mando leaned down once again, growing more and more impatient at Fwega's hesitation. After a beat, he broke away, pulling his helmet back down to look at her face. "What is it?"

"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right."

"Is it my fault or-"

"No, it's not your fault, silly. Something about this place feels- familiar." Fwega rested her head on his chestplate, sighing. The child tentatively stepped over the threshold and onto the ramp to join them, holding the bulb from the control panel.

"Hey, that stays on the ship." Mando adjusted the hood that had fallen off of Fwega's head and gestured to the child. Fwega leaned down to take it away from him, laughing gently at its discontentment. She handed the bulb to Mando for safekeeping.

"You never told me who we're seeing."

Mando nodded, "Her name's Ahsoka Tano."

"Never heard of her." Fwega stepped off the ramp and onto the moss, gesturing for them to continue onwards. Mando felt her spark of impatience and smiled. "Come on, let's go find her."


Fwega grumbled at the ground as she traversed the humid terrain, the moss clinging to her boots. The yellow of her pants were a stark contrast to the green and brown earth, even as her cloak covered up the best of her body. She tugged her hood down in frustration. The Magistrate's emotions were almost imperceivable, along with the other townspeople, and Fwega wasn't a huge fan. It made her feel crippled almost- like being slashed in the face but without the pain. She touched her scars gently and focused on Mando ahead of her.

"Are we close?"

"Coordinates say here. We have to be close." Mando took the child out of his knapsack and set him on a stone. "You two stay here, let me see what's out there."

Fwega nodded and sat beside the child, watching him coo at Mando. She looked up sharply as she felt a strong feeling of determination, calling out to get the attention of Mando before a figure set down in front of them, igniting her swords and lunging forward to attack Mando.

"Ahsoka Tano!"

She stopped at his declaration.

"Bo-Katan sent me. We need to talk."

Ahsoka's eyes shifted behind him to the two figures poised on the rock, eyes widening.

"I hope it's about them."


Alright short chapter but a long one is coming up!!

Hope you enjoyed!

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