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Red eyes blinked open in the inky night, the graffiti lit by sullen streetlights. Mando had asked Fwega to stay on the ship, yet he wasn't surprised when she refused, stepping off of the ramp right before it slammed shut. She had never preferred arena fights, but if Mando was danger, she couldn't not join him in seeking out Gor Koresh.

She slipped her hand into his as the yips echoed around them, scared off by the streetlight but curious as to who this new visitor was.

"You okay?"

Fwega nodded at Mando's question, squeezing his hand tighter before letting go at the sight of the purple Twi'lek at the entrance.

"I'm here to see Gor Koresh."

The Twi'lek tilted his head, thinking for a moment.

"It's for business."

The Twi'lek nodded and let them through, giving Fwega a hard stare as she shrunk behind Mando.

"Enjoy the fights."

The pit was filled with different species, the air thick with sweat and excitement and fear. Fwega followed Mando until they found Gor, the Mandalorian sitting in between the arms dealer and Fwega, blocking his view of her. Fwega busied herself with tucking the child into his cradle, murmuring to him softly.

"This is no place for a child."

Mando watched the criminal sit proudly beside him, trying to get a good look at the the creature and failing, the Mandalorian blocking his view. Gor spotted a flash of pink and he did a double-take, but he was blocked once again from looking at the owner of the pink hair.

"Wherever I go, he goes."

Gor chuckled. "So I've heard."

"I've been quested to bring him to his kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can guide me. I'm told you know where to find them."

Gor smirked, his one eye returning to the ring.

Fwega looked up just in time to see one of the Gamorreans go down, his eyes meeting her's. She felt his fear as clearly as she could feel the clothes on her back and she winced, rubbing her head. She focused on Mando's emotions instead, his temper flaring as Gor refused to speak business with him.

"Do you gamble, Mando?"

Fwega looked back down at the child, smiling as it reached it's arms up at her. She leaned down so it could touch her face.

Gor's goons drew their guns and Fwega yelped, pulling her head back before closing the cradle. Mando's hand was on her shoulder, pushing her down, and she complied, watching him spin around to shoot Gor's bodyguards.

"Mando!" She yelled out, pointing to Gor as he rounded the corner.

"Kinda- busy-" he huffed, being picked up by one of the more burly members of Gor's crew.

Fwega patted the top of the cradle and sprinted after Gor, hoisting the wire Mando had tossed to her. She had gotten significantly better at shooting during their time on Takodana, but she really didn't trust herself fully. She tied the end of the wire to one of her hefty arrows, flinging it towards Gor's feet as he ran. He crumpled, and she used that time to hang him upside down from the light post.

"Stop, stop! I'll tell you where he is!"

Fwega stepped in front of him and he paused, expecting the Mandalorian to be behind his capture.

"Yeah, you will."

Gor's eyes widened as she stepped out of the shadows. "You, it's you-"

Mando ran outside but immediately paused when he saw Gor, his helmet meeting Fwega's eyes as she felt his surprise.

"You impressed?" She asked, putting a hand on her jutted hip.

He was amused now, and Fwega smirked in victory.

"Promise you won't kill me." Gor pleaded, swaying.

"Go back to the ship."


Mando looked at Fwega, and she could feel that he wasn't going to budge, not this time.

She sighed lightly and beckoned the cradle forward, the egg floating behind her as she walked away.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to kill me."

Mando nodded. "You will not die by my hand. Now, where is the Mandalorian you know of?"

Gor groaned. "Tatooine."

"What? I've spent much time there. I've never seen a Mandalorian on Tatooine."

"My information is good, I tell you. Mos Pelgo. I swear it by the Gotra." He squirmed, bouncing as he hanged.

"Tatooine it is, then." Mando started to walk away.

"Wait, Mando! I have something on the girl, too."

Mando immediately froze, turning back around. Gor didn't need to feel emotions to know the malice that was directed towards him.

Mando grabbed his collar and lifted him up.


Gor shivered, already regretting his words. "She's looking for her."


"She!" Gor hissed out again, unwilling to say her name.

The Mandalorian let go of him and walked away once again, leaving Gor's words in the air.

"Wait- don't leave me, Mando!"

"That's wasn't part of the deal."

The Mandalorian shot out the streetlight, leaving Gor Koresh's fate up to the red-eyed beasts in the night.


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