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The beeps echoing around him was the only sound he heard as he fought to maintain his ship's integrity. The barrage of shots had recently receeded, but his ship was damaged, badly.

The child giggled.

"This is Mos Eisley Tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five, over."

The Mandalorian was calm, which was a miracle despite the situation. His poor ship was running on fuel that was currently leaking, not to mention the numerous shots it had taken. It really needed to be repaired, and fast.

Fwega appeared at the cockpit's entrance as he touched down. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Where are we, Din?"

"Mos Eisley. You slept through that?"

"Through what?"

Mando waved his hand in dismissal, glancing at the child beside him. Fwega decided to plop onto one of the seats behind him. She yawned again for emphasis.

He turned in his chair.

"I'm heading out to see the mechanic. Take the child and hide in the bunk."

She raised her eyebrows at his command.


Fwega shrugged and complied.

She sat crosslegged in the cramped space, the child in between her legs, playing with a small bulb Mando had given him. One hand was on her gun while the other attempted to keep the child from swallowing the bulb whole.

Fwega sat there longer than she expected to, and as the seconds ticked by, the more her anxiety heightened. She missed Mando.

At some point she fell asleep, because the next thing she remembered was sunlight shining on her face.

"Oh, good. You're not dead."

Fwega jerked upright, aiming her blaster in front of her. The woman backed up quickly, raising the hand not holding the child up in surrender.

They stared at each other in a tense silence until Fwega piped up.

"So, can you give me my child back?"

The woman nodded, handing him back to her. She held out her hand and Fwega shook it before climbing out of the alcove, child against her hip.

"I'm Peli Motto." She smiled skittishly at the duo. "Sorry for the distress. When your child walked out I thought the Mandalorian had left him alone, so I investigated," she laughed, "I thought he had a dead body in the bunk when I first saw you. I'm glad you're not."

Fwega laughed with her. She joined Peli outside the ship, sipping tea as the woman worked. The child knawed on a now clean bone from his spot on her lap.

"I thought Mandalorians travelled alone?" Peli asked from inside the ship.

"Yeah, well," Fwega coughed, "we're- we're married." She bluffed. Her face turned red hot.

Peli poked her head out.

"Married, huh?" She ducked her head back inside. "I can't relate. I enjoy droids over people. How did you meet?"

"Well, I fell asleep in his ship."

Peli grunted, yanking one last wire before exiting the ship.

"That should do it." She wiped her forehead with her sleeve and yawned. Plopping down on the chair next to Fwega, she made herself comfortable. "I'm taking a nap. You should too, keep your strength up." Peli said, closing her eyes.

Fwega chuckled and leaned back, cradling the child to her chest. Her eyes closed and she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.



Fwega's senses pricked.

A hand fell on her shoulder, relentlessly shaking.

Fwega jerked awake for the second time that day and groaned, opening her eyes. Waves of worry crashed upon her, and her eyes focused on the blurry figure before her.

The worry gave way to relief as she looked at him, raising her hand to put up against his helmet.

Peli shook awake.

"I'm awake! I'm awake- oh." She surveyed the two adults beside her.

She stood up.

"Luckily for you, I kept your child and wife safe," Peli said, waving her wrench at him as she walked away. "I'm charging you extra for that."

Fwega's face turned pink. She could feel Mando's smirk he turned to face her.


"Oh, stop it."

"Does that mean you get to kiss me now?"

Fwega's face turned even more pink.

"Anyway, I started repair on the fuel leak..." Peli's voice faded, and Mando joined her in surveying the repairs to the ship, leaving Fwega to sit in an embarassed silence.

The child looked up at her from her lap and cooed.

"You don't think of us as your parents, do you?"

He cooed.

"Not too shabby, huh?" Peli clicked her tongue as a part fell off.

The Mandalorian looked at her.

"What did you expect? This ain't Corellia."


I considered making a Cara fic for like two seconds lol but idk if anyone would be interested

Trying to get as many moments between Mando and Fwega as possible; there will be more to come!!

Hope you enjoyed!!

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