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The journey back to Mos Pelgo was long and even more boring than the ride to the dragon's cave. Fwega recalled the thick sweat coating her back, one of her hands squeezing Mando's as the krayt dragon appeared in front of them, eating one of the raiders who had helped them. The krayt dragon was big, too big. They needed reinforcements.

Cue the long speeder-ride back to the little village, Cobb working up his courage while Mando felt absolutely nothing, a serene force in the blowing sands. Fwega tugged the child closer to her as it tried to peek around to see the Mandalorian, tucking it back behind her in its little bag.

They slowed to a stop in front of the bar and Cobb beckoned then inside to wait for him as he called the villagers from their huts. Fwega and Mando complied, seating themselves at the bar.

"Anything you want, it's on the house." Cobb tapped the counter with his palm and pointed at the bartender, who looked disgruntled at the request. He looked at them, expecting.

"Some water would be nice." Fwega blinked as he slammed the cup down, filling the glass almost too graciously.

"Hey." Mando caught his arm before he could pull away, his voice dangerous. "You looking for trouble? 'Cause you're about to find some if you're rude to her again."

The bartender backed off and Fwega took a drink, leaning down to hand the cup to the child so it could quench its thirst. She coughed gently.

"You okay?" His voice was so much softer now, catching her shoulder with the same hands that had viciously grabbed the bartender's arm. His gloved fingers traced their way down her arm until they met her hand, holding it up so he could inspect her fingers.

"I don't have Ascavarian's disease." She tore her fingers from his grasp, giggling softly at his worry. "It's just the sand."

He nodded, not quite believing her but now sentenced to silence as the villagers started to pour in. They all looked dirty, tired, the weight of the world on their shoulders and wise beyond their years.

Cobb followed as the last one entered, heading towards the bar to look at each of the villagers.

"This here is a Mandalorian. You know what that is?"

The townspeople nodded, one yelling out "we've heard the stories."

"Then you know how good they are at killing." Cobb paused, glancing over his people. "Now, this one's got a problem. But, the thing is, I've got a problem too."

The people murmured amongst themselves, Fwega growing slightly panicked at their indifference towards them. Their interest was piqued, but even from here Fwega could feel the resentment for the sand people hidden beneath their fleeting emotions.

"We can't take on the krayt alone. And the sand people are willing to help."

The murmurs grew into loud protests, everyone standing as they tried to get their voices heard. "They raid our mines!", "They're monsters!" Fwega hadn't seen this much harbored animosity since she escaped from Ran's ship. But then it was directed at her, so it seemed even more potent. No, this was a societal hatred, one even the children shared.

The Mandalorian stepped forward and they quieted.

"I've seen the size of that thing, it will swallow your entire town when the fancy hits it. You're lucky Mos Pelgo isn't a sand field already." His tone changed, sincerity leaking into his voice. "These people are brutal. So is the Dune Sea. But they know the krayt dragon better than everyone here. They are raiders, that's true. But they also keep their word."

The bar quieted. A lone volunteer raised his glass into the air, nodding at Mando. The others followed, slowly, until all of the glasses were in the air.

"Good. Then a deal is struck." Cobb smiled at the crowd and brought his cup down, drinking to their agreement. The others followed, the bar now quiet as they chugged their drinks.

"If we are willing to leave them the carcass and its ichor, they will stand by our side in battle and vow never to raise a blaster against this town until one of you breaks the peace."


The ride to the dragon's cave was somber, the townspeople and the tuskens silent. Mando sat behind Fwega, letting her navigate the shifting sands. His chestplate was sharp against her back and she shifted until she was more comfortable, Mando setting his chin on her shoulder once she was readjusted.

They arrived at the cave and got off the speeder, the tuskens arguing on who was going to be the one to check if the beast was awake.

Fwega felt the feelings spiral in the beast's mind faintly, walking towards the cave involuntary as she tried to pick out individual emotions. She closed her eyes and let her legs guide her. The dragon's emotions were like an umbrella over the dunes, seemingly endless. Fwega had never felt anything like it: that arch of different things flowing from one to the next.

"He's dreaming," she murmured softly, stumbling slightly and subsequently catching the attention of her accomplices.

"Fwega!" Mando yelled, swatting away the hands the tuskens threw at him and the cries of protest as he chased after her.

She drifted forward, halfway to the entrance.

Fwega stopped suddenly.

Mando continued forward, grabbing her arm and opening his mouth to release a slew of reprimands but he paused as he saw her face, still in quiet contemplation.


"Shh..." She reached a hand beside her to set it on the front of his helmet, listening closely.

"Listen, Din. Listen to it breathe."

He quieted and complied, hearing its steady, long breaths in and out and over again.

"What is it feeling?"

She opened her eyes to look at him. "Everything. Everything and nothing."


Last chapter of the first episode coming next!!

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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