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"The day that Galdana exploded I was on Delaya, our sister planet. I watched, frozen, as my home was reduced to a graveyard of fiery rocks, the sky filled with this vision of fallen grandeur."

Fwega's eyes lowered to the child, who watched, enraptured, as she spread her arms to show the enormity of the explosion.

"I could feel it in my chest, that's where the grief starts, but it slowly rose to my throat, and I couldn't help but fall to the floor as I felt it start to take over the people around me. I couldn't tell their grief apart from my own, and with a single emotion so strong, I needed to leave, to go anywhere but there. I needed to be able to processes my own sadness before I took on everyone else's. So I left on the next ship off-planet, not looking back, as I cried myself to sleep each night before we came upon our destination: Nevarro. It was a tough couple months, sleeping on abandoned ships as I begged for scraps outside of one of the more popular taverns. But, one day I fell asleep on Din's ship, and that's where I met you."

The child cooed, pulling on the grass surrounding them. A gust of wind matted Fwega's hair to her face and she sputtered, pushing the freshly cut locks out of her face.

"I've never had my hair this short, it's weird."

"I like it." The Mandalorian bent down and held out his hand. Fwega accepted it and pushed herself up off of the ground.

"You'd like me either way."

He tilted his head. "That's true."

Fwega placed her arms around his armored neck and swayed from side to side, pulling him closer as he settled his hands on her waist.

"Your jetpacking getting any better?"

"I didn't land on top of you this time, did I?"

She laughed and he watched her, his heart light. Fwega made Mando feel things he had never felt before, and he wanted to feel these new sensations forever and ever, staying in this little infinity they had created. Takodana was, as Fwega put it, the "ultimate relax time", but he had decided to work on his jetpack skills to be somewhat productive. Not that it had been easy, given Fwega's tendency to distract him from his work as she told the child about her days on Galdana.

Fwega felt Mando's anxiety before he could even form a sentence and she frowned, pulling away.

"What is it?"

Mando drew closer, but she kept him at an arm's length so that he could focus.

"We have to leave. I just received a transmission on where Gor Koresh is."

Fwega nodded, now solemn. She picked up the child, who unsurprisingly was trying to eat a small red flower, and walked towards the ship, which was starting to grow a little rusty from being stationed in one spot for too long.

Mando followed behind, trying not to look at the sway of Fwega's hips as she walked. The new yellow and black jumpsuit was a modified tracksuit from the competitive planet of Trake, the ruler of which was the most fit, able athelete on the planet. They had made a stop there and Fwega was greeted with open arms, having a particular knack for javelin-throwing.

And it hugged her body in just the right way to make Mando go crazy when he looked at her.

"You coming, Din?" Fwega smirked back at him from the ramp of the ship, fully aware of the effect she had on him.

He nodded, and Fwega felt his sheepishness.

The child murmured from his spot in her arms and she set him into the cradle, reminiscing on Kuiil and her memory of his kindness.

"We'll meet again, Ugnaght." She sniffed and looked up at Mando, setting a hand on his helmet.

He leaned down and she met him in the middle, kissing the side gently.


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