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Fwega decided she didn't like blurrgs.
Mando had shown her and Cara how to ride them on Kuiil's planet, and Fwega tried her best to like the beast. But it was too big and thumpy, too unpredictable. It was very unlike the elegant toucs they used to ride on Galdana; big, black bodied birds with giant colorful beaks that dipped down in greeting.

She hadn't seen one since Galdana had exploded, and doubted she ever would again.

They were fun, a joy to host and ride, but a blurrg was not. The inside of Fwega's thighs were so sore from the saddle that she stumbled occasionally when she walked, which was not her favorite thing in the world.

"Sorry for the remote rendezvous, Mando, but things have gotten complicated since you were last here."

Greef Karga was a messenger. That's the type of person he portrayed; the only information he had was that which was given to him, the only kind he cared about was that which he needed to tell. It was interesting for Fwega to see him in the flesh, as she had heard stories from Mando about his trade.

He surveyed Mando's company with narrowed eyes, the people flanking him oddly alert, jerking their heads when the sand shifted.

"It appears that introductions are in order." He paused, smirking. "It seems we've both provided and security detail. I recommend the shock trooper guards the ship. These fields are lousy with jawas."

Cara smirked right back at him and looked down her nose at him.

"And we hardly need a Galdanian to add to the mix."

Fwega's head snapped up immediately and stared down at Greef, a mixture of confusion and hopefulness flashing across her features.

"There's only one way you get hair like that, honey. And it ain't on Jakku."

"They're coming with me." Mando interrupted, tired of Greef's jests. He had been to many places to not know where to find someone with brightly colored hair. And pink was a royal color.

"By the town is now run by ex-Empire. If a Rebel Dropper is with us, they'll all get their hackles up," he protested.

Luckily the Mandalorian would not budge. "They're coming."



"At least cover your tattoo. No need to flaunt it."

Cara sneered at Greef and made no attempt to do as he asked.

"Now," Greef said, his mood lightening. "Where is the little one?"


Night had fallen on Nevarro. It had always made Fwega nervous; figures in inky black darkness reached at her. Unseen dangers shuffling. She scooted closer to Mando when she heard a particular alarming yip in the distance. He accommodated her, ignoring the confused glances the others gave him when he looped an arm around her shoulders.

"Let's go over the plan again," Mando spoke, silencing the side conversations.

"We both enter the common house. We show the client the bait. We join him at the table. And you kill him."

The fire crackled gently in agreement.

"Tell me about him reinforcements."

"They're all ex-Empire. As soon as they lose their paycheck? Poof. They'll all scatter," Greef humored, sitting back.

"And what if they don't?"

"They will."

Mando sighed. "That's not good enough."

Fwega's head began to lull, fatigue almost taking her by surprise. She fought to stay awake, but lost her touch. Mando let her sleep peacefully on his shoulder for a bit, while he finished interrogating Greef.

Then suddenly Fwega was ripped away from him by vocious claws digging into her shoulder, and the company screamed.

And finally her fatigue was satisfied when she blacked out.

The next thing she knew was that she was on the ground. Her eyelids were heavy but she pried then open anyways, the night still hanging in the sky.

Cara's worried face greeted her, but so did white-hot pain. Cara was mopping up the blood from her wound. Her face filled with relief once she saw Fwega was awake, and she called to a pacing figure in the distance.

Mando was by her side at once, muttering questions and comments Fwega couldn't her in her bubble of pain and discomfort.

"She's badly hurt." Kuiil's voice broke through the bubble.

"I'm-I'm fine," Fwega groaned out before yelping as more pain leeched from the wound.

"Hold still," Cara warned, pushing past the distraught Mandalorian to apply more pressure to the wound.

"How bad?"

Cara looked at Mando and his hope seemed to shatter.

"Bad. The poison's spreading fast."

Fwega groaned again. Her eyes looked sunken in, hollow, as the poison lurched through her veins. Greef, who watched from a distance, had seen the death these creatures wrought. There was no way she would make it out alive.

"It was worth it, Mando. All of it." Fwega muttered. The child crept closer, confused by the fuss.

She laid a hand on his helmet, feeling his sorrow.

"All of it."

Her hand fell, and her vision turned black.


Flora and Fauna is up!! Please go check it out. I'm going to be officially starting it once this book has concluded for the season, so if you want more content from me there's the place to go!

Hope you enjoyed!!

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