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Fwega stood in front of his seat, gently wiping down the sitting Mandalorian's helmet as he looked up at her, watching her face. Her pink eyebrows were furrowed in concentration.

"Fwega..." He whispered her name gently and she stopped scrubbing at the stain on the side of his helmet.

"Yes?" After a pause, she continued to wipe down the cool metal. She tilted his helmet down so she could clean behind it, but his hands grabbed her's.

"Tell me what's wrong."

She shook her head, taking her hands out of his and pushing him back into his seat so she could wipe down his chestplate.

He tried to catch her hands again but she resisted, dipping her cloth lower to the metal over his stomach and refusing to meet his eyes.


"It scared me, okay?" She burst out, huffing and her hand to her eyes.

Mando looked up and pulled her closer by her waist. She caught herself by his shoulders, winding them around his neck.

"The Rebellion wasn't very well supported on my side of the planet. We would always see their ships go around to the opposite side and watch them fly by, usually chased by Empire. I supported them. The Empire. Then they destroyed my planet- and I didn't have the strength to support anyone anymore. I've never liked the Rebellion."

"So that's why you hid from the pilots."

"Yeah. And I don't like spiders."

She felt his amusement and he pinched her sides, smiling at her shriek.

The frog lady awoke and Fwega whispered a "sorry!" before walking around to her own seat and sitting herself on the cushion. She leaned back and watched Mando's hands in the controls.

"We're close."

Fwega felt the frog lady's spark of excitement after Mando muttered those words, watching the planet appear from the deep expanse of space. The child was looking at the eggs again, interested, but Fwega turned the floating contraption to face her so his attention was diverted. Those were the frog's children- and she was horrified that he would even think about eating them. But, to be fair, he was a baby. He just needed some lessons on manners.

"Its going to be a bumpy ride. I only have enough fuel to barely make it to the ground- if we don't burn to a crisp first." He turned around to look at Fwega but turned back when her mouth opened to retort.

The ship fell through the atmosphere, fire touching the bottom of the glass in front of them as the bottom of the ship caught on fire. The Razor Creat shook, a comm desperately trying to get them to slow down.

"Mando-" Fwega yelled. He grunted in return and slowed their descent, hovering just over the landing pad.

They all yelled as the ship tipped to the side, water splashing around them as the ship sunk.

Fwega sat there, listening to the water slosh around them and the eerie silence. She met the frog lady's eyes and felt her terror wash over her, but was quiet by the Mandalorian's steely resolve. The ship was lifted out of the water.

"That was the last time I'm going anywhere with you. That was idiotic, careless, idiotic again-"

"Fwega." Mando tried to calm her ranting, but she walked ahead of him onto the dock with the child's cradle following behind her. He huffed and looked at the mon calamari, who was glaring at him like he was crazy. "Can you fix it?"

"I can make it fly."

Mando nodded, giving him a few credits before jogging to catch up with Fwega, who was still ranting to no one in particular.

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