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"Bad news. You can't live here anymore. "

Fwega gaped at Mando beside him, the child cooing gently.

"What? Why?!" A villager shouted in protest. They had all gathered in front of the barn where Mando and Fwega had made themselves home at.

Cara shook her head. "Nice bedside manner."

"You think you can do much better?

"Can't do much worse," Cara muttered back to him.

"I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but there are no other options." Cara continued where Mando left off. The villagers shouted in protest.

"Hey! We hired you!"

"Yeah we, hired you for a job!"

"That was before we knew about the AT-ST," Cara snapped back, shutting the accusations down before they continued.

"There's only two of us here-"

The villagers looked around at each other.

"There's at least twenty of us here," one piped up, causing the barrage of voices to persist.

Cara scoffed, rolling her eyes. "None of you know how to fight-"

"We can learn."

Cara scoffed again.

Embolded, Fwega arose from her silence. Stepping forward, she faced the two rogues with the rest of the village. Mando's exterior visibly dampened as he watched her.

"Teach us how to fight."

Cara sighed and smacked her hand to her forehead.

"Seriously, Mando, you should have taught your girlfriend to fight a long time ago, then we wouldn't be here, " she muttered to him, the receiver merely grunting in return.


The villagers gathered around Cara and Mando to go over their game plan, Fwega hanging towards the back.

When the meeting was over, Mando caught her arm as she was walking back to the barn.

"I don't like it. But I'll allow it. Under one condition."

Fwega rolled her eyes, annoyed at his constant watch over her. "I'm not agreeing until I hear it, but what."

"You have to watch over the child during the fight."

She ripped her arm from his grasp. "No! If I know how to fight, then I will. I won't let innocent people die as I watch our child!" She yelled to his helmet. Fwega paused for a moment after she felt Mando's initial shock and confusion, then realized what she said.

Instead of confronting the mistake head on, she ran back into the barn, neither confirming nor denying Mando's condition.

And he himself stood there, shocked, as he tried to decifer the feeling in his chest, and most alarmingly, the fluttering in his stomach.


"Fwega." He tried to prompt her from his spot on his bed. It was now dark outside, and the only light was from a small lantern in the middle. The child was sleeping peacefully in it's cradle.
Fwega herself lay face down on her own bed, unresponsive. Mando had been trying to get her attention for an upwards of five minutes, but all she would do it lay there and ignore him.

"Fwega. I'm sorry."

Suddenly she shot up from her bed to look at him, the stray strands sticking out of her pink braid making her look feral.

"Yeah, sure," she spat out before plopping back down on the bed again, "I want to do this. And you can't even let me out the door without forcing me to check my blaster at the door. Hell, I don't even have a blaster! It just feels like having an overbearing parent again."

"I'm not your parent."

"Then stop acting like one!"

Mando stood up quickly, walking over to the opposite side of the room, just like earlier in the day. The child stirred in its sleep

"I-" Mando paused. Fwega's head rose from her pillow.

"I can't." He shut down again. A small breach to his soft interior stamped down to nothing.

Fwega sat her head back on her pillow and snuggled under her blankets. Her underclothes were the cleanest of her outfit, so her outer layer of pants and jacket were handed to a villager to be cleaned. But that meant all she had left to wear was a tight t-shirt and skinny pants. This also meant that she would be colder at night until she got them back.

Well, at least they would be back in the morning.


Okay sorry for the short-ish chapter, but prepare for some 👀

Hope you enjoyed!!

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