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Fwega was flying.

It was only for a few seconds, but she could see the ground pass under her and she determined there was no other explanation. She was flying.


She snapped out of her daze and felt the waves of pain crash down on her, hitting her shoulder and sending white-hot electricity down her arm. She cried out but tried to look around her, drawing her gun and wildly waving it around. The world was blurry, but she focused on pinpointing Mando's exact location through the pain and panic.


"Shaddup." One of their assailants looked over to her and paused. "Get the Galdonian and the child. Their bounties'll cover all of our needs."

"What bounty-" the Mandalorian wasn't able to complete his sentence, one of the people hitting his elbow into Mando's helmet and immediately regretting it.

Fwega cried out in pain and scored a shot to the creature trying to drag her upright, aiming her gun at its still body even after it fell, clutching at her shoulder.

The scuffle ended, but Mando froze at the sight in front of him. A creature had now taken the child, a gun aimed at its head.

"Wait! Don’t hurt the child." Mando's hands raised into the air. "If you put one mark on him, there’s no place you will be able to hide from me. We can strike a bargain. There’s a lot of value in this wreckage. Take your pick."

The creature tilted it's head, clicking.

The Mandalorian unlatched the jetpack from his back and nodded. "Okay, here, it's your's. Take it, it's okay."

The creature took it and flew off, only to find itself shaken off, jetpack returned to it's rightful owner.

The child ran up to Mando and he picked it up, muttering a small "you okay?" before turning towards Fwega.

She was currently crumpled on the ground, fighting to stay awake, her shoulder jutted out at a peculiar angle.

"Shit." Mando set the child down and ran to her side, putting pressure on her shoulder but yanking his hand away as she cried out in pain.

"It hurts," she whimpered softly. His gloved hand touched her cheek in sympathy.

"Fwega, listen to me. It's going to hurt a lot for a second then it's going to hurt a whole lot less. I'm going to pop your shoulder back into place."

She groaned. "Sounds painful already."

"You ready?"

"No!" She had shifted slightly and it sent a whole new wave of pain down her arm and now up into her neck.


"Do it!"

"You ready?"

"Do it already!"

He pushed her arm in and she screamed, hitting her head against the sand under her.

"Hey," Mando held her head in his hands, tilting his helmet. "You're okay, see?"

"It-" Fwega breathed in slowly, pushing herself up with her good arm so she was now sitting. The child was standing in front of her, his hands reached out to her and his eyes filled with panic.

"It's okay, I feel a lot better." She smiled and picked it up with her good arm, still sitting in the sand.

Fwega watched Mando sift through the wreckage until he found a jacket, ripping it to form a makeshift sling.

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