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"Nope. There's no way."


"Mando! I said no!" Fwega's pacing grew faster and faster, giving Mando a headache.

"At least stop pacing. I can't think with your footsteps."

Fwega plopped down on a chair beside him. After convincing Cara to join him (it wasn't that hard), Mando had lead them all back to the ship, recounting his mission to Fwega as the sand blew by. Every once and a while he would hear a muffled comment (mostly stuff like "dumbass" and "not how I would have done it") from Cara, but Fwega herself remained enraptured in his story, gasping at the highs and laughing at the lows. She was such an entertaining audience that he had to restart parts of it because he had trailed off, as he was distracted by her smile.

But when she had heard his plan on his ship, she protested.

"He's a child! He's not fit for more battle! I think he's seen enough!"

"And that's why we're going to see my friend. We need someone to look after him while we're negotiating."

She turned in her seat.

"So he's not going to be in danger?"

"Not as far as I know."

Fwega smiled happily and set her head on his shoulder, holding her hand in his.

From across the room Cara's eyes lowered from the couple to her hands. It was a little painful to watch the exchange, but she knew Fwega had made the right choice. Besides, Cara would get over it eventually. Her fingers laced and unlaced themselves over and over. Fwega just had a way of opening people up, Cara thought. She never understood that some people can't stay open without her.
But, it was inevitable that they would part ways. Mando and Fwega would traverse the galaxy with their child, while Cara would close up again. Just like a flower.

The child whined from its makeshift cradle, holding its arms out to Fwega. She stood up from her chair and kissed the side of Mando's helmet before attending to him, carrying him up the hatch so they could look at the stars.

"So, what ever happened to Galdana?" Cara asked. Mando hadn't moved.

"Empire blew it up," he replied begrudgedly.

"She doesn't talk about it much."

"Its painful. Her entire planet, gone. She saw it happen from her temporary home on the planet next to it; it lit up the sky in its horror. That's how she put it, anyway. Had to escape the system to stop feeling everyone's grief on top of her own."

Cara couldn't think of any words to say.

She stood up and walked over to him, watching him straighten. Her face was right in front of his helmet threatingly.

"I'm just sayin', but you two better be official soon or I'm marrying her myself."



Fwega was the first to accept. She smiled at the droid and took the tea, blowing on the top before taking a sip.

"Its very good. Is it alright for children?"

The IG unit nodded its ascent before handing a cup to Cara.

Fwega helped the child, who was on her lap, to gently sip from the cup. It looked at her for a moment and then cooed, holding its hands up for something else.

"We just ate, little guy," she whispered, leaning her face down.
Cara watched, bemused, as the child patted Fwega's nose affectionately.

"What do you think they're discussing out there?" Cara asked. Fwega raised her head to look out the window at Mando and Kuiil.

"If Kuiil will join us to look after the child."

"Kuiil? How do you know the Ugnaught's name?" Cara blanched.

"I asked him," was the reply, and Cara had to refrain from screaming. This girl really did not know how much of a good person she really was, and it was not helping Cara's case. She was supposed to be letting her go, not falling for her more.

"Well, looks like they've made a decision."

Cara followed Fwega's line of eyesight to see them walking back to the house, no longer engaged in conversation. But, judging by Mando's hopefulness, the outcome was satisfactory.


"I got you, Mando."

It was Cara's turn to smirk, envigorated by her winning streak. It was 4-2, but this time, she was being more aggressive.

Mando cocked his head.

"Care to double the bet?"

The two continued to battle it out, straining their muscles to defeat the other.

But when Mando's hand immediately slammed her's, he abruptly stood.

Fwega ran to Cara's side when she felt her panic, and looked around wildly to find the source. But Mando got there first.

"No!" He stood in front of the child, blocking its line of sight. "No, no! Stop it!" He shook it, "we're friends, we're friends! Cara is my friend!"

The choking stopped.

"That-" Cara said, rubbing her throat, "is not okay."

"Hmm. Very curious," Kuiil said, studying the shocked creature.

"Curious? It almost killed me!"

"The story you told me of the mudhorn now makes sense." Kuiil spoke directly to Mando, leaving Fwega to tell Cara about the incident with the droid on Ran's ship.

"What is it?"

"What it is, I don't know. But what it does, this? This I've heard rumors of."

"A force," Fwega whispered, but was ignored.

"What, when you worked for the Empire?" Cara chimed in rudely.

"When I was sold to the Empire, in indentured servitude."

"Yet, you still walk free."

Fwega laid a hand on Cara's arm in warning, but she shook it off, crossing them angrily.

"I bought my freedom through the skill of my hands and the labor of three of your human lifetimes. Do not cast doubt upon that of what I am nor whom I shall serve."

They all stood in a tense silence for a moment.

"Tell you what," Mando said, breaking it, "I could really use your craftwork right now." He showed the ugnaught the makeshift cradle they were using for the child. "Can you pad this container so the child can sleep better?"

The child cooed.

"I shall fabricate a new one.Then perhaps this Dropper can see how one can win their freedom with the skill of one's hands."


Hello it's 2am I should be sleeping but oh well

Hope you enjoyed!!

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