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Fwega was screaming.

Leia's eyes flew open when she heard the sound, her hand reaching for the saber under her pillow and igniting it. She used it to search in the dark for some intruder, some disturbance that might have caused Fwega's outburst.

Leia heard the girl still whimpering and looked to the next bed, getting out of the thin sheets to set a hand on Fwega's shoulder.

She flinched and grabbed it, eyes opening slower than normal.

"It's okay, Fwega, you're safe. Your reflexes must be-" Leia paused when she heard Fwega crying, sitting on the bed and lighting the lamp next to them so she could put down her lightsaber. "What's wrong? Was it your dream?"

Fwega nodded, her hands scrubbing at her eyelids.

"Tell me about it?" Leia waited patiently for Fwega to calm down, rubbing her shoulder and sending her calming vibes. It seemed to work.

"Zita had me tied to a chair." Fwega let out a shaky breath, feeling the imaginary rope burning on her wrists. Zita had whispered into her ear about why she wasn't gagged, wanting to hear Fwega cry out as...

"They were torturing him. Gideon was laughing, Zita was making me watch. I couldn't stop it." Fwega looked up at Leia. "Is it true? Is he being tortured?"

Leia shook her head. "Zita's dead. Your friend is fine, we'll find him soon, I promise." She studied the whites of Fwega's eyes, noting the now-purple veins that travelled through them. "Did you want to try it now? Are you strong enough?"

"Might as well. I don't think I'm going to get any stronger." Fwega pushed herself up, Leia steading her by her shoulders as she swayed.

Fwega was right. She was fading, the tips of her fingers numb from the poison.

"How... How are we going to fix this? Will I be okay?"

Leia nodded. "This is an ancient poison used by the Empire. They tried to use it on me when I was captured, but I was rescued before they could put it into my system. It originated on Alderaan, but a strand of it made it's way here. I would go to the marketplace to get you some... But I can't leave you alone. I'll help you try to locate your friend."

"Thank you."

"We're the queens of an dead planet, Fwega. We're connected." Leia stared into space for a minute but looked up when Fwega started coughing. "Can you concentrate on your link's energy? Reach out as far as you can, try to pinpoint what exactly he's feeling."

Fwega closed her eyes, pushing her conciousness farther, then farther, then even farther than ever before. It had been a while since she had felt his emotions, and the ache in her chest returned when she remembered his sadness and anger as she flew up, away from him, towards the large ship that loomed in the sky-

Fwega's conciousness slammed back down into her body, leaving her gasping for air.

Leia's eyes snapped open and she steadied Fwega, stopping her from falling forward. Fwega's arms pushed her away gently, nodding her head to show she was alright.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"No, no, it's totally fine, it was my fault, really. I should've reined you in before your mind wandered," Leia answered, shifting so one leg was up on the bed and she was facing Fwega. "Let's try again."

Fwega once again reached out, but this time she focused on the sound of his voice, the feeling of his armor against her soft flesh. How she felt when she was kissing him, when she felt his emotions mold with her's. She felt utterly at home in his arms. Maybe that was her new home, maybe instead of Galdana, it with him.

At the same time she felt Leia's hand in her's, she felt his determination prick the back of her mind. She gasped suddenly, gripping her hand tighter. Fwega focused on the small sliver of emotion, reaching out farther in a certain direction, feeling the emotion wash over her. Something clicked suddenly, and she couldn't feel her body anymore.


The Mandalorian's head snapped up, his accomplices looking over at him in worry.


"What-" Cara was silenced when Mando put up a hand, squinting to concentrate at the voice inside his head.

Fwega almost cried in relief as she heard his voice, holding on to every syllable like the words were lifelines.

"I'm on Delaya, Din. Oh, Tal Gnosh, I don't have much time... I've been poisoned."

"We're on our way." Mando walked up to the cockpit, punching in the coordinates to Delaya and nodding in response to Boba Fett's question. He didn't want to loose his focus, he didn't want to lose her again. "Where's the antidote?"

"It's here on Delaya. Leia says it's in one of the booths. It's a large white flower."

"Fwega, can you hold on for a few more hours?"

"I don't know. I'll try. I love you, Din."

He nodded to nothing. "I love you too. Dank Farrik, Fwega, I love you so much."

"If this is the last time I talk to you-"

"No what-ifs, isn't that our rule?"

"No, Din. Not this time."

"You can't die. I won't let you." His fingers toyed with the bead, now strung on a cord around his neck.

"Don't worry, Din. I just wanted to tell you that I love you, one last time."

"We're getting married soon. We'll be fully linked, you'll have to deal with me forever." He could feel her joy and he grinned, relieved to finally feel her emotions once again.

"Love you. More than any of the planets and stars in the galaxy. Tell Cara I said hello, and goodbye, just in case."

"I-" He felt her presence slip out of his mind, travelling far, far away. "No!" He reached out with his conciousness, searching, searching. She was too far away for him to reach.

Mando walked to the cockpit, watching the stars zoom by for a while.

"How is she?"

Mando looked down at Boba.

"She's going to be okay," he sniffed, trying to make himself believe it.


Hope you enjoyed :) don't worry, I won't torture you guys much longer, their reunion is coming up!!

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