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"Oh, thank the force! You two had me worried sick."

Peli Motto gave Fwega a quick hug before picking up the child out of Mando's knapsack, cooing over the little thing.

"Look, it remembers me. How much you want for it? I'm kidding. But not really." Peli tickled under its chin. "You know, if this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring."

Fwega laughed, accepting the child as Peli passed it back to her. She looked up at Mando and smiled, amused by the mechanic's worried ways.

The air hissed out of one of The Crest's pipes and Peli hissed at the droid to shape up.

"Peli, we're here on business."

"It was either that or your second honeymoon. Well, out with it then. What is it?"

Fwega and Mando looked at each other, the latter tilting his head in a silent question. Fwega shook her head. Fwega felt Mando's amusement and she remembered when she had blurted out that they were married, something she had yet to correct.

"Do you know where Mos Pelgo is?" Mando asked, stepping forward. Peli took a hasty step back but then stood her ground.

"Oh. Boy, I haven't heard that name in a while."

"It's not on any of the maps."

"That's because it was wiped out by bandits. Once the Empire fell, it was a free-for-all. I still don't dare leave the city walls."

"Can you tell us where to find it?" Fwega spoke up. She still held the child in her arms.

"R-Five! Bring the map of Tatooine. No, really, take your time..."

As the droid wheeled over, Fwega turned to Mando, looking up at his helmet.

"What if there really is nothing? Is it back to square one?"

He shook his head at her. "I have a couple other leads. Minor, but they could be fruitful."

She nodded at him, shifting her attention back towards the projected map.

"You got Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, and over here is Mos Pelgo."

"There's nothing there," Fwega remarked.

"Well, it's there. Or, at least, it used to be. It's an old mining settlement, not much to speak of. They're going to see that big hunk o' metal long before you land."

"You still got that speeder?"

"I've got a two-seater, should be good for you and your wife. If you need me to look after the little one, I'd be more than obliged-"

"Thank you, but I think we'll manage." Fwega smiled at Peli and followed her towards her speeder, settling herself behind Mando.

She hid her face in his jetpack as they flew across the dunes, sand kicking up all around them. She clutched at his armor, trying to anchor herself to the bike in any way possible.

Mando slowed the bike to a stop when the two suns began to fade over the horizon, picking out a spot to camp for the night. Fwega's head lulled and he caught her before she fell off the bike, picking her up and setting her on the bedding he had set out for her.

"Din..." Fwega was half-asleep, but she still was aware of him standing over her, scanning the dunes for potential threats.

"Fwega, we're going to rest here for a couple hours than continue. We're almost there."

She nodded sleepily and beckoned him closer. He leaned down but she pulled him forward, landing awkwardly in the sand next to her.

"Come here," she prompted and he complied, shuffling until he sat next to her. She laid her head on his cool, beskar armor and drifted, Mando's hand stroking her short hair. The beads clacked together in a sort of lullaby, lulling her to sleep.


Fwega awoke on the speeder, the fast pace slowing. She looked around her, eyeing the desolate and bleak town. The curiosity of the people around them increased as the speeder slowed to a stop outside the tavern.

"I'll be right back." His gloves rubbed her cheek and he left her outside, Fwega rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She tried to get herself acquainted with her surroundings to push away the unfamiliar feelings of the strangers of this town. This was Mos Pelgo, she established. The ghost town.

She set the child on the ground and walked into the tavern, the creature following after her.

Mando and the unfamiliar man froze as she walked into the bar, the latter smirking.

"I'm thinking I pegged you wrong, Mando. Who is this desert flower?" He stood, beckoning Fwega to join him.

Mando caught her arm as she started to walk forward, pushing her behind him. Fwega laughed and half-heartedly fought him off, standing beside him and introducing herself.

"Fwega Galdana, at your service." She nodded at him.

"I'm Cobb Vanth, Marshal of Mos Pelgo. Care for a spotcha, Fwega Galdana?"

"Sorry, Cobb, I don't drink." She smiled at him anyways. She could feel the anger radiating off of Mando and backed off, accepting his arm around her waist.

"And you two are... involved?" He gestured with the cup, downing the blue drink.

"Yes." Mando said forcefully, glaring down at Fwega. "I thought I told you to stay on the speeder."

"You should know by now you can't tell me what to do."

Mando sighed, wishing he could rub his temple.

"Where exactly did you get that armor?" Fwega asked, studying Cobb for the first time. He wore an ancient looking green and red set, a scope on the left side of the helmet. It was missing a couple pieces, and it looked wrong on someone that wasn't a Mandalorian.

"Bought it off some Jawas."

"Take it off."

Fwega shivered at his tone, smirking up at him. Mando refused to meet her eyes, trying to indimidate the armored Marshal.

"Or I will."

Cobb paused, looking down at the child, which was hiding behind Fwega's legs.

"We gonna do this in front of the kid?"

"He's seen worse," Fwega piped up, a hand on her gun.

"Right here, then? Right now?"

"Right here."

They stood in a tense silence, neither wanting to move before the other. Fwega narrowed her eyes at the handsome Marshal, watching his every movement and sensing every emotion he was going through. Just as his anticipation reached its breaking point, the ground rumbled, Fwega losing her balance and stumbling to the ground.


Mando pulled Fwega up and shuffled outside, the three of them watching as a giant creature burrowed through the middle of town, taking down a bantha before retreating.

"Yeah, maybe we could use some help."


Ugh, it's so good to be back. Hope you enjoyed!!

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