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Fwega awoke with a shaking of her shoulder.

She muttered a small "Kuiil?" sleepily, and opened her eyes, flinching at the harsh sunlight.

"Kuiil has been terminated. Where is the location of the child currently?" IG-11 said, his cylindrical head turning.

Fwega sat up slowly, rubbing the back of her head. "He's dead?"

"Affirmative. Where is the location of the child currently?"

Kuiil's body lay neatly in the sand, unmoving, but Fwega couldn't bring herself to look at it. She wept from afar, her tears dripping on the hot sand, sizzling and evaporating.

IG tapped her shoulder.

"This is a time sensitive matter. Please cease and respond."

Fwega wiped her eyes and stood. "Two troopers took him. Probably going to give him to the Imperial officer."

"Thank you. As its nurse droid, I will guarantee its safety." It turned away.

"Wait! I'm coming too!"

IG tried to protest, but Fwega remained firm.

"Fine. But I will have to carry you. You would slow me down otherwise."

"Thanks, Gee." She took a deep breath, preparing for the upcoming fight.

"Now let's go save my baby!"


It took a little while to get to the town.

Fwega was uncomfortable on IG's back, but it was better than being dead. She reminded herself of this constantly, and mourned the fact that she was chosen to live while Kuiil had died on the harsh black sands. It was unfair. How should her life be more important than his?

IG let her down so they could walk up to the troopers together.

"Identify yourself," one shouted at they approached. Fwega could see the hasty architecture and lack of people upon walking up, spires visible from outside the city.

Fwega stopped, putting a hand on her hip.

"Pansexual." She said firmly, smirking at the troopers. "But you have something that belongs to me."

"I am IG-11. I am this child's nurse droid and require that you remand him to me immediately." IG replied, standing next to Fwega.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to get out of here." One of them said shakily, getting off their speeder and hefting their blaster.

"Oh, so you're refusing us?" Fwega challenged.

She nodded at Gee and attacked the first trooper. Aiming a kick to his abdomen, she pushed him into his bike, succeeding in knocking him out without too much trouble.

"Gee, I really don't think breaking his whole arm was necessary."

IG looked at her from the speeder, the bag with the child in his arms.

"Securing the child is my top priority." He paused, looking at the bag. "The child seems to want your company. And as I have established you as trustworthy, you may take the child as I drive."

Fwega accepted the child and climbed on behind Gee, cooing back at it when he whined at her.

And suddenly they were off again.


"Come in Kuiil, Fwega. Please copy."

Fwega's head snapped up to the sound of Mando's voice, searching to locate the sound.

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