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This was all a bit overwhelming for Fwega.

But then again, that seemed like a constant state of being these days.

"More tea?"

Fwega startled and looked up at Ran. She shook her head softly. 

She didn't look up at his steps as they receded, content to swirl her tea grounds around gently within her cup and watch the child try to dunk its fingers in it. Fwega could feel Ran and his crew's hostility towards her, her, the girl who was dropped off by the Mandalorian before he bounced off on a job. Unwelcomeness she knew well, but less the unbridled hatred pouring off of the crew.

Well, maybe the hatred wasn't for her, rather it was a virus she caught hanging around Din too much.

Din. The Mandalorian. Who had left her and the child to go galavanting in search for a member of Ran's crew.

She had met the people doing the job: ruthless, cunning, or strong hunters well seasoned in war. She couldn't remember their names, only flashes of color and the outline of a nose or mouth.

The purple one had scared her, flashes of razor sharp teeth greeted her as Fwega attempted to wave, the woman's grin turning to a scowl as she hid behind Mando.

But her gleaming daggers returned as she relentlessly flirted with the Mandalorian, no longer inhibited by time and space, only by his reluctance to engage in conversation.

"Are you okay?" Mando had asked Fwega before he had left. They faced each other and it felt almost too intimate, and by the way the crew was staring at them, it wasn't something characteristic of a Mandalorian to be so exclusive. His gloved hand was on her arm to close them off from the rest of the ship and make it utterly private.

"She looks at you like she wants to devour you," Fwega answered, shivering.

He chuckled, but her face made him hesitate.


"Intimidated is more like it." Her green eyes shifted from side to side, surveying the people around her. Most had gone about their business, but some lingered to talk privately  on their own.

"Do I have to stay here? What if you dont return?" She poured out.

His fingers tilted her chin up gently.

"I will return. And anyway, the child is more safe with you than with me. I don't trust any of them."

She scoffed. "Even the flirty purple one?"

"Even her."

She thought for a moment, but soon nodded.

They had parted with a small wave, and Fwega had watched his ship leave with an air of worry. Ran had given her tea, and so there she was, sitting, with the child on her lap, waiting for him to return. Why was she always the one to wait.

She shifted in her uncomfortable wire chair whenba new wave of malice swept over her. And it was then she knew there were no friends among these people. Only enemies. And if they hadn't killed Mando already, they were planning to.

And suddenly, as if a switch had been flicked, Fwega straightened in her chair. She assessed her surroundings, mostly metal, lots of railings and walkways. The hardest part wouldn't be to find a ship, it was how to sneak past these old pirates, and especially Ran, without being noticed.

There. It was a tiny ship, but all Fwega needed was somwthing that would fit her and the child.

Careful not to be suspected, she stood up. At once she decided she needed something to better support the child, so she swiped a long piece of fabric hanging on the rails. She tied it around herself and tucked the child into the front so it formed a sort of baby carrier, similar to what she had seen mothers do on Galdana when she was small. She gently spoke to him, telling him to behave himself and not make a sound. He cooed softly in answer, and she smiled proudly.

The next step was to be to the actual ship, which proved easy, as the others seemed preoccupied with learning some of the details of the job radioed to them by the droid.

It was only when Fwega was on the ship that she realized she didn't know how to fly. And that her back was hurting due to the child's sling.
But regardless, she entered she ship. It was small and rusty, but did work functionally.

A harsh voice stopped her.

"What are you doing here? You are not permitted to board this vessel." The pilot droid scolded her. His metal hands grasped at her, and she shook them away.

"Yes, I am," she said forcefully, "Now, can you pilot me to Torquá?"

"What?" He beeped back at her.

The child squirmed and Fwega took it out of the fabric. It closed its eyes gently.

"I said, pilot me to Torquá."

The droid straightened and nodded at her, heading straight to the cockpit.

Fwega turned the child to face her.

"Buckle up, little magic baby. We're off to see Aunt Cara."


Okay so we want a Cara fic.

I need some details on what we want it to be about! Is oc the polar opposite of Cara and very soft and quiet and nice, is she battle hardened and rude and similar to her, or a nice in between? And do we want it to be based on Mandalorian or a spin off?

(Btw, Fwega probably would make an appearance in that one too)

Hope you enjoyed!!

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