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Unfortunately for Mando, Fwega wasn't only good at combat, but she seemed even more useless with a blaster than an ewok was with a pocket wrench. No matter how many times she shot, no matter how many times she tried, she just couldn't get the hang of any of it.

But combat was a different story.
Soon Cara had realized she was exceptional at using a staff, and Fwega trained day and night to master the weapon, much to Mando's dismay. He wouldn't see her for days on end, and most nights he fell asleep, alone, missing her. He knew this connection wasn't something he was allowed, but now that he was no longer a guild member and the other Mandalorians were scattered, he didn't feel a strong obligation to obey old rules anymore.

He just missed her, espcially after their first night together.


Parry, strike, block, kick.

It was like a mantra. Once you got the pattern down, and you knew how your opponent moves, the rest was quite simple.

Fwega focused back in as Cara tried to gain the upper hand, but failed. She used the distraction to swipe her off her feet, and held her stick against Cara's chest, who was now on the ground.

Parry, strike, block, kick. That's all it was. A rhythm.

"Damn, you're good," Cara mumbled, taking the hand Fwega held out for her, "maybe even exceeding me. Do you think Mando would give you some tips?"

Fwega picked a leaf off of the woman's jacket.

"Why, do you want to get rid of me so soon?" She laughed when Cara stuck her tongue out at her.

Their mood dampened suddenly.

"I haven't talked to him in a while. I think he's a little butthurt over the fact that I'm training for a battle he doesn't want me to be a part of."

"Do you ever stop to think that maybe he's right?"

Fwega scoffed. "Not you, too."

"It's not because of your capabilities," Cara said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "but you're too important. See your child over there? If you died, how would he feel?"

Fwega turned. The child played with the other children, chasing the extra krill they tossed around him.

"Not to even mention Mando. I can't even see his face and I know the glances he gives you are looks of longing. How could he ever bear to lose you?"

Fwega looked to where he was coaching the villagers to shoot. He looked away when her eyes caught his.

"And what about me, Fwega?" Both of Cara's hands found either shoulder, "what would I do if you die?"

Fwega took a step back.

"I'm doing this so you don't die. I could care less about me."

Cara shook her head.

"I won't push you. I know I needed to do what needed to be done when the time came." She sighed.

Cara hoisted her stick.

"Another round?"

Fwega smirked and picked up her own stick. She steadied it. Leaping forward, she parried Cara's first attack, and then striked her side, knocking her off balance. She blocked Cara's next strike, and then kicked her, hard, causing her to once again crumble to the ground. Fwega stood over her, her smirk still in place.

"Still think I can't fight the barbarians?"

Cara took up her stick and swiped Fwega's legs, so now both girls were on the ground, laughing.

"That's enough."

They both looked up to see Mando looming over them, his hands on his hips. Fwega wondered how he could keep the full armor on in this heat, she hadn't been training for over an hour and she was sweating like crazy.

"Aww, come on, Mando. It's just a harmless bit of fun!" Cara scolded, standing up and brushing herself off.

"I was just telling Fwega here you could give her some tips on combat. You saw her, she was killing it."

Fwega looked at Cara alarmingly, but it was too late.

"No." Mando picked up Fwega's stick. She roles her eyes in return.

"Maybe later," he softened his retort, "it's almost time for dinner."

Fwega wooped at the prospect of food and followed Mando to their shared cabin. Once they were inside, the Omera entered, bearing the same blue-colored krill they had been eating for the last couple days. And one more thing. The child.

Fwega gasped and stood up, taking him from the widow's arms.

"I'm so sorry! Mando..." she trailed off, glaring at him.

"What?" He said innocently. Fwega put the child in his crib and sat back down.

"Winta wants to thank you for allowing her to play with him. She adores him." Omera set the tray of food down at the table. She looked meaningfully at Mando, like they had talked before.

"Of course. He loves it here," Fwega said, looking at Mando. He knew she wasn't just talking about the child.

"Well," Omera concluded, "enjoy your meal. I know it isn't much, but it's all we have."

Mando and Fwega echoed thank yous as she exited.

Fwega turned to her plate and began shoveling the krill into her mouth, hungry from all the fighting she did today.

"We fight the barbarians tomorrow."

Fwega almost spat out her mouthful of food.


Mando nodded. "Tomorrow. Cara and I are going to lure them out, then we'll bring the fight here."

Fwega nodded. It was a solid plan.

"I'm going to fight."

Mando sighed.

"I know."

She looked up at him, surprised.

"I can't stop you. But promise me you'll be safe out there. Don't do anything reckless." He laid his hand on top of her's. She entwined their fingers.

"I promise."


Okay I'm on mobile so I can't formally dedicate this chapter to anyone but informally this is dedicated to @blucbird who's comments are giving me motivation to write 😍 thanks for your kind words!! Glad you like Mando and Fwega!!

Hope you enjoyed everyone! Happy holidays and thanks for reading!!

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