Don't Back Out

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I got home later that night.

I was tired, and emotionally drained. Couldn't take anymore hatred from anyone. All I wanted to do was eat some cold leftovers that I was too lazy to heat up, and fall asleep immediately in my bed.

It was a pathetic idea, but it worked.

I look in my fridge, spotting the leftover chinese food that I had ordered not to long ago. Pulling in out of its container, I grabbed a fork from my cabinet, sitting down at my table, that no one filled.

I was alone, for one of the first times, in a long time. It reminded me of when Adam would work late shifts, and wouldn't get home until midnight. I'd have to depend on myself to cook dinner, and eat it alone.

While I ate, I tried my hardest to erase the memory of Adam from my mind. I had delt with him long enough today, and any thought of him would bring me on the urge of tears.

Not just Adam, but anyone. These past couple of days I've been so weak, and it seemed like everything was my fault.

Maybe it is.

I took a bite of my food. It didn't taste the best cold, but I guess that's what I get for not warming it up. This food really explains how I feel right now, cold, disgusting, all of the above.

But I didn't give two shits.

At least it was food.

All of a sudden, I hear a knock at the door, causing me to jump.

I frown, just wanting to fill my sadness tonight, not have to worry about disappointing any more people, because quite frankly, that's all I've been good for;

Disappointing people.

I pull myself out of my seat, stumbling to the door, assuming it to be Madeline or Will. But it wasn't, it wasn't either of them.

"Drew?" I ask, shocked to see him in the doorway.

I hadn't seen him in two days, or heard of him.

"Hey," he says to me.

He looked like shit, and probably felt like it too.

A worried look appears on my face, as I move aside to let him in. "Where have you been? You alright?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, huffing down onto the couch.

Drew looked exhausted, and wherever he's been, I don't blame him.

"Had to take a couple of days to gather my thoughts, you know?"

I narrow my eyes at him, too tired to argue with him. "I don't know, but sure?" I say.

He looked like he was going to pass out right there. "You okay though?"

He stares at me for a while, not saying anything. "We broke up," he hesitates.

I nod my head at me, the words sinking in.

Drew looks down at his lap, before breaking out into an apology;

"I'm sorry for being such a dick. I clearly promised you I wasn't going to be on the other side, but I did it anyway because I'm just the way I am." He remarks.

I glance at him, as he continues on his speech.

"I didn't want things to end up like the way they did. I truly wanted a more healthier break up, or at least some talk to work things out. But that certainly, wasn't one of the things on my list."

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