Car Ride

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The next morning eventually came.

I slept horrible.

Between the coldness in the cell, the damp stone that I was forced to sleep on, and the bloody dried clothes that stuck to me like a parasite, I barely got three hours of sleep.

Not only did the uncomfortable scenery keep me awake, but also the large knot of fear in my stomach only increased through the night.

I couldn't help but wonder if the others were worried.

They expected me to come back that night. July 4th, but I never did.

Instead, I'm miles away from them. Locked in this cell that haunts me, and just reminds of the terrifying cell that Luna had me locked in for two years on the other side.

What if they were on their way to find me? Hazel, Drew, Madeline...

What if they just forgot about me? And moved on with their regular lives?

No, don't think like that Bianca.

Of course they're probably searching for me. Doing a locator spell right now.

Their witches, they'll figure out. I remind myself.

I glanced down at my bullet wound, I had healed it before it could get infected. Though, sometimes it'll start to sting if I move too fast, or move at all.

It was red, still looking like it would be a pain to heal properly. But thankfully I'm a witch.

I look at the rest of the cell. Gray concrete painted them. Green moss pointed out of come cracks, giving it the cell a natural effect. Dirty also covered the walls.

The cell looked old. Like it had been used for years due to the condition it was in.

What if other people were in here? I thought to myself.

I then stare at my bucket. It sat in the corner, unused.

Mystery man is crazy if he actually thought I was going to use that.

My thoughts then got interrupted by a doing rumbling open.

He's here.

Mystery man.

I feel my heart jump in fear as the mystery man pops by the iron bars.

He had just taken a shower, because his hair was damp, giving his hair a darker shade of brown. It didn't look that bad.

His tattoos were covered today, by a long black sleeve. He had a bullet vest over him, to protect him from being shot. Around his waist, he had a collection of weapons. From guns, to tasers, and even knives. Sharp ones.

I quickly sit on my stone bed, gazing at him.

He swipes out a set of keys, placing one into the cell slot, and slowly whipping it open. He makes eye contact with me, before eyeing me up and down.

My once white floral dress was now a dirty, blood rag. My hair was unbrushed, and I felt a splitting headache by the back of my head due to the rough sleeping position.

His jawline was sharp, as I admired his features, staring back at him.

We didn't say anything for a while, unsure of what to say.

Finally, after scanning my dirty body, he says, "Here's the plan for today."

I feel myself sink, I was too tired to move, and to be honest leave this one hell of a cell. But I needed a change of scenery, and I still had no idea where I was, and what I was doing here.

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