Masquerade Striders HQ

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"So let me get this straight," Ashley begins to say.

Drew and I had called a meeting to the kitchen. Including Ashley, Kira, and Madeline.

"These Masquerade Striders are going to kill Bianca if we don't go to their headquarters? Or at the very least torture her?" She says, taking a bite of her pizza.

Drew and I simply nod. "Which is why we need to go--like now."

Madeline sighs. "God I hope she's alright." That was the first time she's talked in a while.

Delilah hums. "I'm sure she will be, Madeline."

We all finish up our meal quickly, then put our shoes on, getting ready to leave.

"Here's the plan.."

"We go to the headquarters, try our best to not use our magic at any given time to harm anything or anyone, find a way with the "queen" to not harm Bianca, and see what the hell they want." I explain walking out to the driveway.

"Got it,"



The seven of us, separate into two cars.

Me, Drew, Delilah, and Maya in one car, while Ashley, Madeline, and Kira in the other.

Following the address that they provided, all of us sat there, eager to get to the final destination.


Once we arrived, we all tumbled out the car to see a large building among us.

It was castle shaped, made out of brick. Not too far in a distance, sat a small building made of concrete. The road went on and on, seemed to be everlasting.

Banners were hung from the windows, blowing slightly from the windy weather we have been having.

The doors were tall, and brown. Horses stood outside in carriages, ready to be put to work.

It seemed to be a whole nation living here.

We all stood there, unable to do with ourselves. Admiring the big, clean castle sat in front of us.

All of a sudden, guards come marching out, at rapid speed, approaching us. Behind them was a woman. A woman with blonde hair, and dark clothing. She had a brown vest on, and she wore a mask, hiding most of her face. It was a black mask, one you'd wear to a cheesy highschool dance, and the theme is "masquerade dance".

It made sense.

She comes forward, the guards giving her space, but still close to attack at any given second.

"Hazel Hen," she says, her voice raspy and her face stern.

Her blue eyes popped out through the mask, giving off a creepy vibe.

"Yes?" I say, the others behind me.

"Glad you could make it, as much as I'd like to greet you--" she stares at me, then at my friends behind me. "...and you friends,"

"We have important matters to discuss." She says briefly, eyeing down her guards, calling them off to make room for the seven of us.

"Alright," I state.

"Please, follow me." She commands, turning around, and walking back towards the large castle.

The rest of us were hesitant to follow, but pulled forward.

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