Marry Me?

45 22 43




All of a sudden, he throws himself out of his chair, rushing over to me, throwing his arms around me.

He lets out a much needed sigh, a breath that was latched onto his tongue for weeks, not releasing until reunited with me.

"You're back," he whispers to me, still taking in my scent, my body.

I decided to melt into his embrace, finally giving into the boy I missed for weeks, and the boy that I thought that I was still in love with.

It felt nice to be in his arms again, and in that moment it felt like everything and everyone around us dissolved into thin air, leaving just the two of us in a black void, but the feeling of happiness and relief stronger than ever.

Eventually that feeling shortly goes away, by Drew finally pulling away from me, his strong scent of cologne decreases from my whiff as he stares at me deeply into my eyes.

"Wanna talk outside?" He asks.

I hesitate, before glancing at Maya and Delilah who were busy preparing lunch for me.



The July air filled our stomachs, as we breathed in the fresh, humid air. It was a good feeling to be home, back where I'm not forced to take fraud pills that sucked the power out of me, and be thrown around like a doll by a man that said he loved me, but yet shot me, choked me multiple times, and then left me for the greater good.

"It's a good day outside," I state, sitting down on the driveway, that shined briefly well from the summer shine that hit our delicate skins.

Drew nods his head in agreement, breathing in the fresh smell of nature.

"I missed you," he confesses to me.

"I did too," I said softly.

"You have no idea what the hell I've been through these past two weeks." I laugh, sighing at the rollercoaster.

Drew sits down next to me, the knuckles in his legs popping from the random movement.

"I can imagine," he says, staring at me up and down jokingly, glancing at my blue uniform that was covered in god knows what.

A laugh erupts from me, agreeing.

"What did you go through? Heard Crystal dragged you into a mental hospital and fed you pills that were supposed to take away your power. Sounds ditto to me." Drews says, picking sunflowers from the lawn to the side of us.

I watched as some ants traveled across the sidewalk. "Yep, supposed to be for my bipolar but who knows."

Drew stares me, picking each of the petals off the sunflower, his brown eyes filled with pity.

"Are you actually bipolar?"

I slowly nod, after two weeks accepting the disorder.

"At least that's what Jackson told me."

Drew drops the flower in his hands, continuing to stare at me. "Jackson?" He highlights the word.

He never knew about Jackson?

"Whos Jackson?" He suddenly asks.

I sigh, this was going to be a long talk.


Drew places his hands over his head, letting the words that I just expressed to him sink deeper into his brain.

"So lemme get this straight.." he begins to say.

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