Rodecaster 180

56 22 11


Luna glances at my radio, then then goes towards it.

My heart skips a beat, as it is the only source of communication I have. The only way for me to get home to my friends, breath on earth.

I use the rest of my energy to bolt towards the desk, snatching the radio from her grasp. "Don't you dare touch that." I snap.

She narrows her eyebrows at me, before breaking out into a laugh. "Oh little vampire. Eli I'm not here to steal your piece of shit radio."

I take a step back, shocked at what she said. I've noticed that Luna has a lot of confidence over herself. It wasn't a bad thing, but it wasn't the best thing either.

It's good to have self confidence, but the way Luna heats it off, is farther more than just confidence wise. Her ego is too big for her head, and she trusts herself a little too much. She's careless about her choices, but manages to cover it up with an act. A terrible one in my eyes.

She may have managed to fool the students on the other side, try to get them on good side, but she is far from good. Luna is a horrible human being, and nothing is going to mind.

"Then why are you here?" I snapped at her.

Luna turns away for a moment, then grabbing an object in a box off my coffin, before turning back to me.

I stare at the box, as she explains to me. "Like I said, I'm not here because I'm lonely, I'm here because I want to get the hell out of here, and judging by the looks of it--" she makes sure to look at me up and down. "You want to get out of here too." She finally says.

"How are we gonna get out? We've been here for five months. There was no getting out. We're stuck here forever, thanks to YOU." I say, pointing my finger at her with sas.

A grin breaks out on her face, an evil one. "Look Eli. I came here because in this box, I have a radio. A better, more powerful, one then--" she looks at mine with disgust on her face. "That,"

I gaze at my radio. Spider webs surrounded it, and it was dusty.

She then digs into the box, before pulling out a radio.

My jaw drops, admiring it.

Sitting in front of me, was a high tech radio. A bunch more cleaner, bigger, and newer versions then mine. She lets out a small laugh at my reaction. "This, right here, is a rodecaster 180. Working microphone, and a much clearer audio, I can connect to any channel tune into what their saying, and also talk on some stations."

I sit there in awe. This thing was crazy powerful.

"H-How did you get this?" I stammer to say.

"Well I've been working on it, since we got here." She says.

We make eye contact for a second, before her expression shifts from impressed to a frown. She stuck the radio back into the box.

"There's one problem though." She says.

"What is it?" I ask, staring at the machine in the box.

"Not all the stations work, we can tune into them, but we can't communicate with meaning. Meaning if we do come in contact with someone that can help us get out of hell, they wouldn't know if we're actually there because we can't speak into the microphone. There's not enough power." We both sigh.

Of course there was a problem.

Part of me had hope. That we were gonna get out of here. I was gonna see my friends. But no, we're one step farther away then we were before.

"That sucks," I say quietly, defeated.

I sigh again, slumping onto my bed. I wanted to hide under my sheets, forever, and never come out. Tell Luna to go back to where the hell she came from, and forget this ever happened.

But I couldn't.

Not when we're so far, but so close to claiming victory. Me being reunited with my best friends, and Luna doing whatever Luna does.

Luna turns over to me, taking a seat across from me, at my desk.

"Though, I think I have a solution to how we can fix it."

My ears perk up.


She smiles at me, "if we take your audio microphone power from your radio, we might be able to get enough power for the channels we can't talk in."

It made sense. Perfect sense actually.

To be honest, it didn't sound like a bad idea.

Something we could manage.

"You really think we can do this?" I ask her.

Luna shrugs. "Worth a shot."

I sigh again, for the third time. She notices this, then says, "Look, Eli, the only reason why I came here is to try to make up for what I did. I had five months to examine all the mistakes I made, and the ways I could've resolved them."

"Trust me if I could go back in time, change all the things I said, and did, like killing you, I would." She sighs. "But life doesn't work that way, that's for sure. Us being here, together, is my fault. I killed you, I egged everyone that I made fun of, and caused a living hell, on, and for that I'm really sorry."

An apology.

Luna Hart is apologizing to me.

For killing me.

I let her words sink into my head. Soaking up almost all of the hatred I had for her. But that's what she wants.

Luna wants me to forgive her.

She wants to get on my good side.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I finally say, tilting my head at her.

She stares at me, deep in the eyes. "If I was lying, doing this for an act, I'd take that dumb radio of yours and run. Go back to earth by myself. Then leave you to sit here, and rot for the rest of your life."

She pauses.

"But I'm not gonna do that." She says softly.

"I got us into this mess,"

"I'm gonna get us out."

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