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The time turned eight pm. The sun was just now starting to set, leaving warm colors scattered in the skies. A summer yellow with tangerine orange, and bubblegum pink. They mixed together perfectly, like an ombre. It was truly a sight to see.

I peered out of my room. I had filled up on caffeine so I wouldn't get tired quickly. The group and I had a long night ahead of us, and I was excited.

It would be the first time in a long time that all of us could hang out together. Not just the two or three of us, but the eight of us.

Like before, we're going to be meeting up in the neighborhood park. Almost everyone will be there. There is a field next to the playground, and a bunch of seats scattered around so you can sit and relax.

In the kitchen, stood Drew. His head was turned away from me, so he didn't notice me.

"Hey you," I say.

He jumps from the sudden noise, almost jumping the newspaper in his right hand. He lets out a shaky laugh.


"You know if you reacted like that just by me greeting you, can't wait until tonight" I joke to him.

Drew rolls his eyes at me, scowling. "Not fair. I didn't see you." He snaps back at me.

"Whatever, ready to go?" I ask him, changing the subject.

I could hear distant chatter and laughter from outside. The neighborhood vibe was the best. Parents were outside everyday, walking their dog. Children on the sidewalk, playing with chalk.

It was the best in the summer. The community pool was opened 24/7. The weather was warm. In the 80's almost everyday. One of my favorite times. You didn't experience this type of excitement on the other side. Everything seemed to be in a different filter, a dull one.

Drew nods his head.

We walk to the door, opening it, when I get a text.

I let out a sigh. Drew narrows his eyes at me before stopping in his tracks, waiting for me to check my phone.

"Hold on," I mumble.

I had a feeling of who it could be.

Taking out my phone, I entered my password, taking me to the messages app.


Hazel Hen, you are expected to be at the Masquerade Striders headquarters July 5th at noon or we will have to take measures into our own hands.

I stare at the text for a second, not knowing what to respond with.

Drew glances at me, unfazed.

"Is it that scam number again?" He asks me walking out the door.

I shut my phone off, leaving the mysterious number read.

Following Drew out the door I reply, "Yes. How do they keep getting my number? No matter how many times I block them, they always find their way back into my messages." I sigh. Drew shakes his head. "Could just be a prank,"

"How? You'd think that after five months the callers would get over it, or stop trying, but no, they're still going."

Drew ignores my response, instead walks down the sidewalk, leading us to the main park in the neighborhood.

"You'd ever think that maybe you should listen to it? You know maybe if you actually listen to it, the text messages would stop." He finally says.

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