White Roses

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"How are you even alive Nick?" Ashley shouts.

Nick doesn't say anything, just smiles to himself, then turns over to the girl that looked like William.

"Dorothy, could you please tell Hazel and her friends the reason why we're alive."

Dorothy nods her head, before saying, "gladly," then she turns to Hazel, whose face was red as a tomato.

She had just come in contact with her ex boyfriends, Nick and Adam. Adam being one of the people I used pain infliction on. He wasn't a big fan of me either.

Hazel looked like she wanted to cry, and I didn't blame her.

"The reason why they're alive is because after you killed Luna, we were trying to find answers to why our sun and moon spell randomly stopped working. So, Will and I brought back Nick, who used to date you and Ashley, who just conveniently happened to know both of you." She says, hands on her hips.

Maya glared at Dorothy, then at Nick, who remained quiet with a smirk on his face. "You really ratted us out?" She snaps. He shrugs at her. "Not just me, but also Jada."


That's a name I haven't heard in a while.

All of a sudden, a bunch of bickering erupts into the room. Hazel and Adam, Ashley and Nick, Maya and Dorothy.

"What the actual hell," Delilah whispers to me.

I just shake my head at her. I couldn't get any words out, too shocked and surprised.

"You asshole!" I hear Hazel scream to Adam.

"Hazel you're the one who cheated on me with a dead guy did I mention? Seriously something is deeply wrong with you." They shout at each other.

Suddenly, a big horn was blown, causing us all to jump.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please calm yourself! Have some respect!" Crystal screams, still holding the big horn.

We all turn to her, shutting up instantly.

"I hate to ruin the fun but I'm afraid it's almost dining hour and I need to serve my tribe, including the four of you, so please Hazel if you wouldn't mind getting the hell out." Crystal says, forcing a small smile at all of us.

Hazel stares at her, then sighs. "Whatever Crystal,"

She turns towards the door, us following behind, when William adds, "I expect to talk with you more, Hazel, tomorrow maybe?" My light up, staring at him. He seemed like such a flirt.

Hazel narrows her eyes at him. "Fine,"

He smiles at her, and waves to all of us. What a dork.

"We'll be on our way," I say, Adam and I eyeing each other up and down.

Hazel then opens the door to leave, the rest of us following her.


By the time we got back home, it was dark outside. It was around nine pm, when we all stumbled inside, tired. All exhausted from the events that took place today. We had no idea what we were going to do tomorrow, or even a week from now.

With Bianca gone, not only did things seem out of place, she'd have to pay for Hazel's actions. Not just Bianca, but all of us. For some reason, it made my blood boil.

I walk into the kitchen, thirsty for water. My mouth was extremely dry for not getting anything into my body for hours.

"I'm gonna pass out if I don't go to bed so I'm gonna head out." Ashley says, dragging Kira out with her.

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